Losing a Friend by The Cardigans
You're losing a friend
You got it all wrong
I'ts not about revenge
But you're losing a friend
I didn't see it coming
With my head stuck in the sand
But now I'm loosing a friend
And it's keeping me up
It's the ribbons I tied
I would rather just die
Go to hell and crawl back
Than let you go
You're losing a friend
You jeopardise me
Bad bad blood on your hands
And see, you're losing a friend
I'm fickle and I'm vain
And you trick me over and over again
And now I'm losing you
And it's killing me
It's the strings that I tie
I would rather just die
Go to hell and crawl back
Then let it all go
My mistake
To lose you
Oh no, oh no!
So this the end now
I'm losing you
Oh, look at you!
Look what you're wasting
You're losing a friend
Oh no, oh no!
I'm losing a friend
Oh, oh oh no
Labels: Music
Persetankan new theme
>>>>>posting skang cam slow sket... mayb promotion kurg sket sbb aku bizik lately ngan exams..sorry guys... skang gak den promo persetankan kt ms tuh.. lalalalangee.. dah abes exam, bole laa.. huhuhu!>>>>>new theme for this month ::Eid::
::photo must be in black & white::
but for this month.... we have made sum changes
all photo must be in black & white k...
sebab selalunya orang associatekan raya dengan warna-warni dan kemeriahan
so kitorg kasi cabaran sikit, nak korang capture a picture
yang menunjukkan warna-warni kemeriahan menyambut dan di dalam bulan syawal ini
tapi dalam black and white...
so dudettt... send ur pix to me or check the webbie k..
and for those yg interested to join us...
just reply back to me... ;p
♥cik suerie <3>
::Digital Fhoto Jeritan Jiwa::

Don't Close Your Heart by H.I.M
I know how it feels to be on your own
In this cruel world where hearts are bound to turn to stone
Where you are alone
And tired of breathing
It's all going wrong
And you just can't stand the pain any more
You're too numb to believe in
In anything
Baby just don't close your heart
Baby just don't close your heart
Baby just don't close your heart
Darling don't let me down
I know how easy it is to let go
Surrender to despair lurking at your door
To lose your soul and all your feelings
Strenght all gone
And so many things left unsaid
And deeds undone
You've stopped caring
'Cause it's all in vain
Baby just don't close your heart
Baby just don't close your heart
Baby just don't close your heart
Darling don't let me down
You are so alone
And tired of breathing
It's all going wrong
And you just can't stand the pain
Baby just don't close your heart
Baby just don't close your heart
Baby just don't close your heart
Darling don't let me down
Don't let me down
Don't let me down
Just don't let me down
Labels: Music
Because of u..
Because of you
I never stray too far from the sidewalk
Because of you
I learned to play on the safe side so I don't get hurt
Because of you
I try my hardest just to forget everything
Because of you
I don't know how to let anyone else in
Because of you
I'm ashamed of my life because it's empty
Because of you
I am afraid
Everything by Lifehouse
find me here
speak to me
i want to feel you
i need to hear you
you are the light
that is leading me
to the place where
i find peace again
you are the strength
that keeps me walking
you are the hope
that keeps me trusting
you are the life to my soul
you are my purpose
you are everything
and how can i
stand here with you
and not be moved by you
would you tell me
how could it be
any better than this
you calm the storms
you give me rest
you hold me in your hands
you won't let me fall
you still my heart
and you take my breath away
would you take me in
would you take me deeper now
'cause you're all i want
you are all i need
you are everything
everythingLabels: Music
Why by cik sue
i've seen enough
ur face tells the truth
wht else can i do
rejection is not wht i care
just... fear tht u wont stay
everything i do..
it leads me to u
will u know
will u see
through these eyes
thr's so many lies
have been hide
i've try hard..
pretending.. i do not care
but actually i didnt dare..
thinking tht u wont stay
why cant i move on
why am i stuck for years
why i let u hurting me so much
and still feel those same feelings?
cant help..
cant stop this heart
beating so fast..
then i see u...cant help but smile...
wishing deeply.. tht u will stay
im chasing after sumthin
tht i cant have
i cant even touch....
by cik sueAll right reserved
my soul dies slowly
yeah... my soul dies slowly psal busan giler skang neh...anta post smpi juta2..hoho! now 5:34 am and im still awake... omg! imsonia ku dah bermuler...!! dah duer ari tdo kul 7 pagik.. kunun2 nak setadi la for exams.. hampesness, bace buku x gerak2 pon.. asik pej tuh jer... huhu! for evelibadi yg exam juger...spm ke bukan ker.. janjik exam, gudluck k sumer.... chayokkk chayokkkkkkk!
"Loving someone that doesn't love you is like reaching for a star. You know you'll never reach it but you just have to keep trying..."
selamatkan hari rayer.. ;p
nape rayer kali neh x besh.. mayb sbb naek2 cuti jer dah nk exam so x sempat nk gi umah kengkawan.... hurmm yeke... tataw ar tp yg pasti rayer neh xbesh... gamba rayer pon leh lupe nk amik ngehehe..sbb slalu intan or ayang yg amek tp this year memasing balek kg husband diorg so aku pon bwat2 lupe lak nk amek pix rayer... aisehh camne leh lupe! tinguk org len amek gamba jeles lak rase.. xpe nnt gi rayer umah org nk bwk cam skalik... ngahahahah!i’m going to smile like nothings wrong...talk like everything’s perfect...act like its just a dream...and pretend he’s not hurting me....
the heart is beautiful above all things
Every time I follow my heart, it leads me to him. I mean, what other explanation is there? Why is it he's all I can think about? Why is it that no matter how upset I am, I see him and can't help but smile? Why is it that when he smiles at me, I get that feeling in my stomach? And even when he'd broken my heart and hurt me as much as anyone could ever hurt me... When he lied to me, and I hated him... Why did I still feel those same feelings? Answer me that and then I'll be able to tell you why I let him hurt me so much...and why is it that the most painful thing in life is to love someone so much that doesn't even care or love you back??? why am i stuck with this person for all this while.. how come i can't move on? sometimes i felt like life is just not fair... but come to think of it the only thing i did wrong is to love him so much more than i love myself.. MORAL nyeh.. chenta diri dlu baru leh sayang org k... <3"The biggest mistake you could ever make would be to love someone and never tell them..."