Wednesday, December 31

Uhh Ahh Once In A Blue Moon

when life gives you a hundred reasons to cry,
show life that you have thousand reasons to smile
So I guess, parking lot is the best place ever to cry your heart out. Perhaps you guys should try this therapy as well, cry very hard for NO REASON - eventho this might sound like "You're living in denial, baby!", but hey once in a blue moon you will bump into this kind of scenario whereby you will feel like crying out of NO REASON. ANYWAYYY, just try this out OK, cry for 10 minutes inside your car at the parking lot (tips: this will involved a lot of tissue wasting, so be well prepared) and who knows, maybe you will feel better afterwards... (bleghhh)!

By the way, thanks Kaj for entertained me for 1 hour 20 min and 15 sec last nite (aku check last call duration, specific gle). Wow, membebel is really my thing, isn't it? Lagu tema terbaik buat post ini - Sick, Tired and Hopeless by The Cardigans & Slow Me Down by Emmy Rossum.. bleghhh! Toodles..

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Tuesday, December 30

True Love Waits

And true love waits
In haunted attics
And true love lives
On lollipops and crisps

Just don't leave
Don't leave
Don't leave

"Where have you been? I've been searching all over for you."
*cried out*

"I didn't go anywhere, my Dear! Each time, I'm standing here with my heart in my palms, offering it to you. I've been a part of your life since.. uhh even I've lost count. It's just you my Dear, you're the one who couldn't see me."

"Oh, really? Are you sure, honey? I've been looking for you at the same spot like... every second, every minute, every hour and every single day.. BUT how come I still cannot 'scan' you? Uhh I think it is the crowd fault, put the blame on them, shall we? How possible for me to spot you out of the crowd? I don't even have a pair of telescopic eyes, I only owned this odd glasses."

"Kitty Cat .. have you heard about "Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind (heart)"?"

"What's wrong with me? Why it is so hard for me to see you with my bare eyes?"

"Sweetheart, it's not others fault, neither yours. It's just that the time has not yet come but it has finally arrived, isn't that correct, Sweetie?"

"I guess I still haven’t said it, have I?"

"* **** ***"
Closer.. Closer..
Lean on me now.. Lean on me now..

boredom Tuesday
written by seseorang yang tader tokoh mengarang novel tapi sebab emo punya pasal.. kita bolos saja dinding itu!

Well, actually this was supposed to be some kind of emo punya version of short-story. Tapi pahal ntah dah terbalik. Someone said to me just now thru ym, "Hey what's wrong with you? Lets talk about it.". But then somehow, sometimes certain thing is very hard to elaborate into wording/verbally. I think my brain has a problem with converting a 'file' format, from THOUGHT to WORDS.

While I'm updating this post, someone excitedly buzzed me,
"OMG OMG OMAR IN A RSHIP WITH BELLA OMG OMG OMFG". Shocking news, haha! I did saw Bella changed her status this morning at Facebook, from Single to In Relationship but then I didn't know that the Mr Right is OB! Damn, aku dah agak dah since aksi korang main tarek-tarek rambut gatal di depan aku mase wedding Beck.. hahaha! By the way, congratulations.. semoga panjang jodoh so that for next year, next wedding dalam tentatif aku nanti is korang ;p Amin!

Urghh Chucky, I still haven't do the taggy thing yet! OK am off, listening to Brightly Wound by Eisley makes me melt! It sounds so darn cute and sweet, one of the songs from old playlist.
I shall never grow up
Make believe is much to fun
Can we go far away to the humming meadow

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Friday, December 19

I Smell Something Fishy

Actually, I smell like a fish setelah beraksi dalam acara jatuh kuak terlentang gaya bebas berirama di pasar semalam and hasilnya, im having backpain and my left leg cannot move around so much. Tahniah tahniah! Luckily, aku still boleh control macho, eh control cun.. maintain kak, maintain! Confident jegh aku cakap, "Its ok, thanks!" kat sorang tokeh cina ikan neh time dia hulur tangan nak tolong aku bangun.. huhuh! Semalam taderlah saket sangat tapi pagi tadi lepas bangun tido, damn... saket gila seh ;'( i guess yesterday wasnt really my day *auchh.. sigh*


Friday, December 12

More and More To Come

Semalam nampak dress yang cute sangat, I mean the dress ofcoz.. not the one who's wearing it. Lantas aku grab and beli and lepas tu.. menyesal, sebab tatau nak pakai pegi mane. Lepas ni kalo aku pegi pasar pakai dress, jangan nak banyak soal yer tanye kenapa. I'm looking forward for more dresses.. Nabila, it's your call, muahah! By the way someone said to me, I'm becoming too feminine these days. Dulu gi keje pun hari-hari pakai jeans, skang dah maken perempuan. Oh wait, previously aku bukan perempuan ke? Krisis identiti betul la diorang ni -_-"

Ahaa.. just updated another collection of dresses, pardon me for my getiks pose.. I've learn this from Nabila (am trying to be as comel as you Nabila, so terpakse replace my un-comel face with Papa Santa's deer comel-face.. hohoho). Actually I've booked this dress about a month ago and FYI, ianya agak sepsi on the upper side so I'm wearing a cardi untuk cover up part yang sepsi itu, sekian. By the way, err adakah dress ini terlampau PELANGI? The colours block hurmmmm.. naaahhh, saya sudah beli so it should looks nice on me.. should and must, tak kira.. muahaha! And oh, do ignore the messy background and yes, the dapur is the best place ever for self-photo whoring session ;p


Monday, December 8

Eid Mubarak

Salam Eidul-Adha guys..

Pagi ni tak pergi pun semayang raya because of the common monthly 'excuse'. I just called my mum just now, she said she just arrived from Arafah to Mina. Uhhuh, my parent, Intan and Mas are not around. Intan and her fam is in Dubai and for Mas, she's going along with my parent. This year is almost the 3rd time I'm celebrating Hari Raya Qurban without my parent as they are currently performing Haj for their 2nd time.

Did I said ALMOST? Yes, it's true.. this is almost the 3rd time. The 1st time (the almost one.. huhu) was during matriks, tak boleh nak balek umah mase Hari Raya Qurban sebab pihak pengurusan matriks tak benarkan students balik sebulan sebelum our final exam. Actually it was OK with me, I was doing just fine only until.. my mum called me that afternoon. She asked me, "Dah semayang raya dah? Makan pe arini?" and as always, aku suka bikin drama swasta. Aku jawab dengan tone gedik-sedih.. "Makan megi jegh mak, sian kan? Mak bawak la makananan datang sni". Actually, pihak matriks ada jegh buat Qurban.. just belum siap masak jegh lagi time tu. Hey, I wasn't lying about eating Maggie that morning tau ;p tapi saje jegh nak jadik drama queen. Then, wanna know what happened? My dad called me right after that, he said "Tunggu k, kejap lagi abah datang Melaka. Jangan pergi mane-mane" and.. the whole crew of my family came that eve (except the elder sisters). Oh shoot, serba salah.. maybe mak replay dialog aku tadi kat abah. Ececeh serba salah kunun, actually nak melompat dengar time tu.. muahahaha! Anyway, I think that was the best Hari Raya Qurban ever .. feels like my parent really love and care about me and I know they always do ofcoz. Yeah yeah I know I'm sound getiks.. and to sound more getiks, I miss them. They have been away for more than a month now. Gonna be back soon on December 17th.

Less than 10 days more to go..

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Friday, December 5

About A Girl by The Academy Is

One song about a girl
I can't breathe when I'm around her
I'll wait here everyday
In case she'll scratch the surface
She'll never notice

I'm not in love
This is not my heart
I'm not gonna waste these words
About a girl

Last night I knew what to say
But you weren't there to hear it
These lines so well rehearsed
Tongue tied and overloaded
You never notice

I'm not in love
This is not my heart
I'm not gonna waste these words

About a girl

I'm not in love

This is not your song
I'm not gonna waste these words
About a girl

To be loved, to be loved
What more could you ask for
To be loved, to be loved
Everyone wants
To be loved, to be loved
What more could you ask for
To be loved, to be loved
