Tuesday, September 29

I Am Worthy and Valuable

Who wants this 20 dollar bill
By Paulo Coelho

Cassan Said Amer tells a story about a lecturer who began a seminar holding up a 20 dollar bill, and asking:

"Who wants this 20 dollar bill?"

Several hands went up, but the lecturer said:

"Before handing it over, there’s something I must do."

He furiously crushed it, and asked again:

"Who still wants this bill?"

The hands continued raised.

"And what if I do this?"

He threw it against the wall, letting it fall to the floor, kicked it, stamped in it and again held up the bill - all dirty and crumpled. He repeated the question, and the hands continued to be held high.

"You mustn’t ever forget this scene", said the lecturer.

"No matter what I do with this money, it’ll still be a 20 dollar bill. Many times in our lives, we are crushed, stamped on, kicked, maltreated, offended; however, in spite of this, we are still worth the same."

Very truthful. Thanks to Nizam for sharing this.
And kebetulan tadi aku terbaca blog Falai, bestfriend Wani. He wrote this in the end of his recent entry which somehow can conclude this post, as morale of the story :)

"No matter how often life kicks you in the ass, and you stumble and fall, it is how you pick yourself up that matters."

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Monday, September 14


Sesi bermain bunga api ini adalah untuk kanak-kanak yang di bawah umur sahaja ya. Cik Syia (aku la tu) duduk kat tepi dendiam and sekadar jadi photographer, gila tak adil. Takpe, next time budak-budak kecik ni semua duduk tepi and diorang pulak tengok Cik Syia diorang main mercun, muahaha. Mercun? Jeng jeng jeng.. itu kena tunggu the makciks and the uncles berhimpun di malam raya. Barulah syiok! *giggles*

Give me
"S", give me "U", give me "R", give me "I"!!
Yeay! ;p

Dear friends,
Selamat Menyambut Hari Raya Aidilfitri
Maaf Zahir dan Batin.

Tulus ikhlas dari,
Nur Suria Mansor @ Suerie

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Happy: Can You?

Err can I? *pandang kiri kanan*
HA HA HA HA (gelak dengan muka takde perasaan)

Hello, please.. I'm not that addicted, KOT.
Anda bagaimana? Renung-renungkan dan selamat beramal.. LOL!

p/s: picture - front cover of CLEO September 2009


Sunday, September 13

Which Wani Ardy's song reflects your life?

Wani kata, "Kalau berani, mainlah ;p"
Nur Suria took the "Which WRD song reflects your life?" quiz and the result is "Dear Mr. Future"

You are not emotionally attached to anyone but you believe you will, one day. Sometimes you secretly wonder where that person is. He or she could be under your nose! But this time around you prefer to "let things be". You have gone through a lot and you are too tired for drama. You do not wish to go through the same cycle again and again. You just want to meet the one and be happy.
Wow, result yang sangat menarik :)


Hello, what’s your name?
Have I seen you before? Have you ever heard me sing?

I don’t make the best lullaby
But every song I write is my journey to you

You’re out there breathing the same air
I can feel you near

Should I wait? Should I find?
I don’t wanna be late

Tell me how many songs do I need to write to get to you?
Tell me how many songs do I need to write to get to you?

Are you here in the crowd?
Would you stand out and show yourself up?
‘Cause I’ve been talking to that someone in the future
If I could I would just squeeze into the drawer
And spare us this series of nonsense

Are you here in the crowd?
Would you stand out and show yourself up?
Let’s save our bloody precious time
And put an end to soulmate-searching drama
We’ve prolly brushed against each other
We’re just too frickin’ stupid to even bother
Hey it’s not like we’re getting any younger
And let’s not forget all those standard procedure
That might take up another few more years

Oh I am tired of talking to someone in the future
If I could I would just squeeze into the drawer
And spare us this series of heartbreaking nonsense
This series of heartbreaking nonsense

Hello, what’s your name?

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Wednesday, September 9

Crazy Crush

A friend threw a question to me..
Who used to be your biggest crush back in the day, and when you think about it again you will go, "Hey.. what the heck am I thinking?"

She said ex-boyfriend excluded, that will be a different story then.. LOL! And some more, kena mention nama "dia". Hoho, I don't mind at all sebab bak kata dia, kalau tanak mention meaning I still have feeling for him. Oh semestinya tidak.. so marilah membaca karangan saya yang panjang gila nak mampus.

Azreen Hisham Shaari, also known as Adik
(mampus aku kalau Min baca, ko kenal ke Min??? haha)

Masa kejadian:
aku form 2 and crush aku tu form 5.

Start fell for him:
Bila found out dia rupanya ada twin

Perilaku bodoh #1:
Buat tattoo versi halal (guna ink pen, haha) tulis "Adik". Punya la nak cover dengan Mak, bila kat rumah sanggup pakai long-sleeves but at last kantoi gak, haha. Alasan paling bodoh aku boleh bagi untuk cover line time tu adalah "Adik tu si Nurul la mak, orang saja je tulis Adik kat lengan ni". FYI, aku panggil adik perempuan aku as Adik jugak, hehe.

Perilaku bodoh #2:
Sanggup bangun pagi hehari atas alasan nak pergi study kat library konon atau pun sanggup gila bertugas kat bilik PRS eventhough bukan hari aku bertugas. Habis tu, dah mamat tu sesi pagi and aku sesi petang.. terpaksa la cari alasan bernas yang tak obvious (kot) supaya bole bertentang mata.. muahaha. Yang aku ingat, every friday aku sengaja tunggu timing terbaik nak pulangkan kunci bilik PRS kat office sekolah sebab dia pun akan pegi office sekolah gak untuk pulangkan buku register class. Gila sanggup -_-"

Perilaku bodoh #3:
FYI, dia adalah librarian dan kebetulan class aku bertentangan dengan library, dan yang paling best adalah tempat duduk aku di tepi pintu belakang class, which aku boleh tengok muka pintu library tu sejelas-jelas habis. Pernah sekali aku kena cubit dengan cikgu Geografi sebab kantoi aku tak focus dalam class, asyik pandang ke luar jegh.. muahaha. Biasalah, busy bermain bahasa isyarat dengan mamat tu (fuh.. ada respon, dari kejauhan.. haha)

Perilaku bodoh #4
Siap cari nombor telefon rumah dia dari buku panduan Telekom OK, pergh. Bila dah jumpa, ada la jugak few times try call dia lepas tu. Tapi bila ada orang pickup, LETAK TERUS.. hohohoho!

Perilaku paling BODOH sampai mati boleh ingat #5
There was one time, aku nak pinjam buku kat library tapi takde kad peminjam. So aku pun pergi la library nak register, alih-alih librarian yang bertugas adalah si crush pujaan hatiku, huish punya la gelabah tak ingat time tu. Rasa macam nak cakap "Err takpe lah, esok je la saya buat kad tu" tapi tak terkeluar pulak ayat tu, cuak gila seh. Masa mamat tu tengah fill up form untuk aku, tetiba dia tanya aku something and aku tanya balik, "Ha?? Nombor telefon saya berapa?". Pastu mamat tu tergelak, rupa-rupanya dia tanye.. "Tahun ni tahun apa?". Ya Allah, malu nak mampus!! Kalau boleh time tu nak jegh blah terus. Menggelabah la kau ni, Suerie!!!!!!!

Yang ni tatau lah nak dikategorikan as bodoh atau tak. There was one day, library ada buat pameran and time tu, ada satu booth ni students boleh tempah untuk ukir nama guna polisterin, fully-painted. Kebetulan pulak, he was one of the person in-charged. And the best part was, dia personally buat satu untuk aku - Suerie. Memang lepas tu tidur malam melekat kat siling rumah la kan, LOL! Kebodohannya di sini, aku simpan benda alah tu dari Form 2 sampailah aku masuk UM. I kept it for like 6 years.. wow, amazed gila dengan diri sendiri! Lepas tu, benda tu terpatah dua lantas diterjunkan ke dalam tong sampah dengan rasminya.

Well.. stupidity is part of me, remember? LOL

p/s: FYI during the end of last year, aku ada sesaja google nama "dia" kat Facebook/Friendster. Dah kahwin, anak satu.. sekian! *giggles*

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Tuesday, September 8

In A Blink

Minggu depan dah nak raya??
Fuh, cepatnya.. MINGGU DEPAN jegh lagi kot!!

Oh by the way, check out my current desktop wallpaper. Comel nak mati si Pocoyo ni, xspecially kalau dia gelak. Rasa macam nak pang pang pang! *penyek dia*

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Monday, September 7

Blast: Another Series

UiTM coursemates
@ The Apartment, The Curve

Persetankan crews
@ Q'Bistro, Sri Permaisuri

This weekend aku rasa weekend bergelak ketawa secara marathon, hilang ilmu.. LOL! And I think gathering Persetankan hari ni pecah rekod seh. Almost semua 'majlis tertinggi' Persetankan datang except Along and Suessy. Takpe korang, Raya is just around the corner.. nanti meet up reramai lagi, hehe. And to Beck & Dhilla, Nizam & Farah, Wani & Syafiq, Ikmal & Naja, Bella & Jack, Fuzuri & wife, Jasmine, Ikim, Arep, Hellmy, Omar, Jarri, Melissa and Mumos.. thank you so much for coming guys, seriously as Beck said.. "I had a blast tonight!".

Oh lupa, semalam
Jasmin bagi kad raya kat semua orang, first kad raya aku tahun ni. Last time masa dia mintak address from semua orang, semua ingat dia nak post kad kawen. Serious lawak gila, siap cakap "Tahniah ah Min, congrats!!", hahaha adeh! Anyway thanks alot Min for the thought, handmade pulak tu.. fuh! Ucapan untuk semua orang pun lelain and I like what you've wrote for me..

"Something good will happen to each of us"

InsyaAllah, Min.. amin!

p/s: 2nd & 3rd pictures, by Ikim

Updated: It's already 2:06 AM, just finished uploading all the piccies. Maaf, can't help it, gila sakan, hoho! OK am done, sekarang boleh tidur dengan nyenyaknya, SELAMAT MALAM MALAYSIA! *giggles*

p/s: picture below taken by Maro @IKEA, I like this.. auw!

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Friday, September 4


Don't go around saying the world owes you a living.
The world owes you nothing. It was here first.

by Mark Twain


Tuesday, September 1

Gegara Gas

Kelmarin masa tengah berterawih kat surau, ya Allah.. Tuhan jegh la yang tahu macam mana perit aku menggenggam perut menahan sakit. Rasa macam.. isi perut kena rentap, boleh bayang? Malam tadi dah pergi klinik tapi bila makan ubat, tak ada effect langsung. Bukannya tunggu dua tiga jam baru datang sakit tu balik, dan dan tu jugak sakit tu datang balik. Serious tak jalan, haish. Pagi tadi bangun jegh dari tidur, aku tanya Mak kenapa tak kejut aku bersahur sama. "Perut tu macam tu, nak puasa apa..", jawab Mak. "Orang dah OK la, Mak.. boleh puasa dah". Pastu kena marah dengan Mak, terus kena bebel tak pasal-pasal.. muahahaha! "OK.. OK.. orang pergi makan sekarang", percubaan nak elak dari terus kena bebel, LOL!

Tadi memang sakit dah tak boleh blah. Pergi klinik, dapat injection tapi.. apsal gastrik ni still tanak hilang-hilang ni? Auch ;'(
