Sunday, July 20

Say (All I Need) by One Republic

Tiada idea mahu lukis or tulis ape.. by the way, this sketch was done by me on June 22nd, 2007.. recycled! Alright then, seems like im lack of ideas, it's pasting time.. pick of the month, Say (All I Need) by One Republic. Ok, am off..

Do you know where your heart is?
Do you think you can find it?
Or did you trade it for something
somewhere better just to have it?

Do you know where your love is?
Do you think that you lost it?
You felt it so strong, but
nothing's turned out how you wanted

Well, bless my soul
You're a lonely soul
Cause you won't let go of anything you hold

Well, all I need
Is the air I breathe
and a place to rest my head

Do you know what your fate is?
And are you trying to shake it?
You're doing your best and
your best look
You're praying that you make it

Do you think you can find it?
Do you think you can find it?
Do you think you can find it?
Better than you had it

Whenever the end is
Do you think you can see it?
Well, until you get there
Go on, go ahead and scream it
Just say it

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Wednesday, July 16

Petang Yang Malap

Suatu kejadian yg berlaku smlm just right after I went back from the office.. ngee :D
An attempt to call Intan.. but she didnt pickup. Then a few minutes later, my house phone ringing.. she called back rupanya

Intan: haa.. nape kol org? tak pasan tadi.. fon dlm poket, hehehehe
Me: owh ok, tader pe.. org saje jegh kol, ade mende sket nak tanye
Me: nanti jadik ke bawak syasya ngn irfan gi sane?
Me: tiket tuk budak kecik gi Dubai bape?
Intan: 60% discount from adult nye price.. dalam 3k jugak la. nape?
Me: haa.. org ade suggestion, org dgr suggestion tu kt pagik td
Me: murah mmg murah la, saving gle!
Intan: aa? ape dia? naek Air Asia??
Me: tak tak, bkn Air Asia tp DHL
Me: intan courier jegh dak-dak kecik tuh dalam kotak
Me: diorg kecik jegh so courier satu kotak pun muat org rase
Intan: banyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaakk la koooooooo.. siut jegh!
Me: muahahaha.. actually tu jegh org nak ckp, bubye!
Intan: hampeh.. bye!

Moralnya, perbuatan ini sangat LAME.. muaahahaha!

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Wednesday, July 9

The Convertible-driving Box

"Tailgating is the practice of driving on a road too closely behind another vehicle, such as less than the travel distance in two seconds or, equivalently, one vehicle-length for every 8 km/h (5 mph) of the current speed.."

Moralnya, silalah jadik pemandu yang berhemah yer, tak payah la nak tailgate-tailgate 'pussywagon' aku. Nak cepat, pegi la duduk kat fast lane.. setupid arse owl! Meter aku dah reached 100 km/j ok, setupid tailgater! By the way, I guess I need a proper camera to snap my sketches.. the quality of my cokia nokia is wayyyyy too low man. Uhh, everything's seems so blurry! "Everything's so blurry and everyone is so fake".. lalalala, oh how much I luv that song! Err.. merepek sudah, i think i should put a big FULLSTOP here

"Mr Box - the convertible-driving BOX!!"
done by cik suerie

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Tuesday, July 8


Pagik tadi giler la jam.. mak aih! Ingat nak skip kat NPE, masok-masok tol NPE perghh.. line up tak hengat! Im doomed oh NO! Hujan-hujan macam neh kalo stuck atas katil kan besh? How nice, heaven!! Tapi realitinya, aku stuck di dalam jam sambil menghela nafas yang tersekat-sekat sebab aku selsema.. biase la morning sindrom ku, snob snob! 2 3 minggu neh asek rase macam nak demam jegh tapi tak demam-demam jugak. Aihh kalo tak bole amek MC, ekekeke. Mebi musim agaknya, kejap hujan kejap panas and aku plak kejap bizik kejap free. Kalo time free, free la sesangat but then kalo bizik.. walaweh, sangat la exhausted ok! For the past 2 weeks, aku asek stay up jegh kejenye nak siapkan keje-keje aku yang menimbun. Eventho project baru jegh kick-off but then we only have 1 month to finish it up, so i need to fasten up a bit.. err alot actually! Stay up till 5:30am then tido kejap, pastu kul 9am bangun balek, celik-celik mata terus turn on lappy continued back doing my work.. M to the A to the D - i am tapi nak bwat camne, i need to.. just for the time being. Time-time camni la rase windu gile time-time study dulu, tayah pening-pening nak pk about year end appraisal, tayah pening-pening nak pk psal baya bills/kete/insurans/roadtax... uhhh! Owh ya, bercakap psal insurans and roadtax.. September nak kne renew, tayar pun dah nak kne ganti, M-A-T-I la I camni.. huahuahua! I need to raise a fund la macam ni, come come.. donate a few bucks to me, each of you! *wink*

Owh no.. im sick, uhuk uhuk.. demam demam, flu flu.. uhuk uhuk!!

p/s: this LAME drawing is done by me on yesterday eve but then tak bape clear sgt, biase la.. snap gune cokia nokia jegh and the words WORK WORK pun tak baper nak jelas, harap maklong!

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Monday, July 7

Note: Your Blog Has Been Updated

It is about time to update my blog I guess. Lots of things happened for the past 3 weeks. The most saddest thing is, my uncle has just passed away on last friday eve. Meninggal dunia di rumah beliau di Taman Ehsan, Kepong disamping Mak Ngah, disebabkan serangan jantung kata doktor. Tapi rezeki Pak Ngah memang murah, meninggal dunia di hari n bulan baik. Hari Jumaat, berharibulankan 1 Rejab. Tahlil genap 7 hari nanti pun jatuh pada malam Jumaat, murah btul rezeki arwah. Semoga roh beliau dicucuri rahmat Ilahi.. Al-Fathihah!

switching mode sebentar.......

Anyway, aku agak bizik lately (excuse yg slalu terpancul bila bloggers tidak mengupdate blog masing-masing) but its true seh, i've been extremely bz with my works and IT IS NOT ANOTHER LAME EXCUSES ok ;p Dah bersawang dah blog ni bak kate cik Kiah. Ni pun aku tulis time lunch hour and yes, actually I do have a lot of things to write about but the thing is... I DONT KNOW HOW TO PUT IT INTO WORDS, im doomed! Sudah tak mampu nak memproses thoughts of mine yang berlegar-legar into words untuk ditaip oleh jari-jari aku yg ayu meruncing ini.. aih, maaplah aku bukan sengaja nak memujik jari jemari sendiri tapi compliment ini telah dinyatakan oleh cik Alieya and FYI, I am AYU by the way.. woohoo! Marilah.. aku cuba simplify kan aktiviti2 sepanjang 3 weeks ni (eventho I know alot of u dont really give a damn of wht i've been doing in the past 3 weeks, but well... its my blog nway aite? boo-yah ;p )

3rd week of June

I've been out of the office for 2 days, attending Semantic Technology hands-on training at MIMOS. Seems like it will be held continuously until the whole module completed (i've only done 4 out of 16 modules.. hu hu hu :| ). It is something new to learn and im quite excited to explore it more, cant wait (and im serious ok!). By the way, do u know about Web 2.0 technology? If u do, Semantic Web/Technology is the Web 3.0 wanna be, great huh? Fascinating...

On this week juga kami satu ofis held a farewell dinner for Pauline as it was her last week of her internship course.. -_-" miss u Pauline! I windu mulut u yang bising tu.. haha, really seh! And also miss to hear you say "Shut up! Talk to the hand" to Han.. muahaha! U know what, u've missed the free lunch last week.. the new guy from Vietnam just joining ;p we eat kaw kaw last week ler.. huhu! Back to the farewell thingy, after office hours we went to Nandos for dinner then hang up at 11:15 to had some beer and memandangkn aku ade so diorang lepak kat meja lua jegh and ofcoz.. aku just duduk kat ujung meja saja tanpa order apa2, hehe. But aku lepak tak lama, ade carfue maa so then just right after aku chiao.. diorang pn beralih lepak dlm club. Aku pun balek and lantas zZzzzz...

19th plak bufday Firdaus yg ke-23 but gamba lupe plak nak transfer from fon mak. Elok lepas sume orang makan kek, ade plak sesi menimbang berat badan. Oh well, the good news is aku sudah bertambah 1kg.. aggagaga! Tapi where all the fat goes pun aku tataw la, tak gak nampak physically yg aku ni dah gained 5kg so far for the past 4 months.. :| tipu tipu! Skang berat aku is around 46kg, and I need to gain another 4kg.. chayok chayok!!

4rd week of June

Minggu ni minggu berjalan dua-puluh-empat-jam. Jumaat malam, mak ajak pegi downtown kat cheras, teringin katanye. Amboi bukan men mak, huhu.. so kitorg pun pegi la bawak mak pegi downtown around 11:00pm camtu. Sangat la sesak ok, kepanasan aku kat situ. Nway tader ape yg special sangat pun kat situ as aku rase sama jegh mcm pegi danau kota or uptown. Duet aku pun turut di'invest' di situ.. haha! Pusing punya pusing, alih-alih pukul 2:30am baru la sampai umah. Esoknya, Nurul ajak pegi Pavillion la plak. Nak cari sport shoes katanya before balek hostel. So kami 4 beradek pegi la sane but sangat la wasted, we end up tak beli apa-apa selain beli donut JCo yg perlu beratur panjang. Aku rase Pav hanyalah untuk mereka yang berpoket penuh dengan note-note ringgit malaysia and im not one of them for sure.. not yet!

The next day, went out pegi umah Lieya kejap sebab ada hal then sambil tu, alang2 blaja petik gitar skalik.. huhu. Dier suh practise strum "em c g d" sampai pass, tapi sorry ya boo.. I dont hv a guitar seh but u're a great tecer nway ;p siap lelukis jari jemari where to put the fingers.. muahaha, so cute! Rupanya men gitar bukanlah mudah as i've thought. Bak kata Lieya, "tu la boo.. jari jemari lu tu ayu sangat bujur2, next time cut ur nails!". Erk.. huhu I will teacher, dont be mad! Pastu balek jegh umah, sekali lagik Nurul ajak cari sport shoes but this time kat Mid Valley.. and yeah, sounds more reasonable to me. Sampai-sampai jegh, pusing-pusing jap then stop by kat Fish Spa. Aku, Faez and Firdaus lepak kat Fish Spa and Nurul plak pegi cari sport shoes beliyaw.. huhu! Firdaus amek 10 min massage and aku plak registerkn Faez for Fish Spa tapi alih-alih aku plak yang kne replace dia as Faez geli geleman dengan ikan-ikan tu.. haha! Sumpah sangat geli ok.. tapi tahan jegh la, pretend to be cool :|

1st week of July

Sesi membeli dan menempah baju raya bermula.. err hehehe! Suprisingly, puasa pun belom raya pun belom tapi tukang jahit baju mostly dah tak terima tempahan lagi dah. Perghh.. sume dah booking awal-awal takot baju tak siap nampaknya, termasok la mak ai.. huhuhuhu! Seb baek tempat yang kitorg slalu tempah still terima lagik eventho actually depan kdai dier dah tertampal "Tempahan raya sudah tidak diterima lagi!" tapi sebab kami mmg regular customer, dier amek juger. Slalu baju raya aku since dah besa neh tader la banyak mane, sehelai dua jegh but then raya kali neh meriah la plak. Mak belikan 4 pasang and Intan belikan sepasang from Dubai.. mekaseh!! And aku just kne kuakan duet baya upahnye saja.. hohoho! Abes la.. blom raya, dah bankrap.. how?! Duet pelis duet... I want I want, any side job anyone? Owh ya, b*** job I dont want!!!! I can read ur dirty mind ;p boo-yah!!

I guess tu jegh kot aktiviti2 sepanjang 2 3 mggu neh.. kot! Wah panjang lebar lak and I bet ramai yg wont be bother to read from the beginning and sure akan skip2 till the end aite? ;p gotcha!!

Nway to Bali: congrats on ur engangement! Kenduri jangan lupa jemput ya ;p

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