Friday, January 30

PaddlePop in Langkawi

Click here to check out the rest: FB Album: PaddlePop


Monday, January 26

Mixed and Match

I've been busy lately (typical excuse orang bekerjaya). Tak ada masa nak duduk and perah idea for blogging. BUT.. there is BUT, but I still have time for my part-time job as "Kaunter Luahan Perasaan" kengkawan. What are friends for aite? So here my ears for you so I could hear you.. and here is my heart but please don't tear it apart. OK, the last phrase tak ada kena mengena *giggles*

Guess what.. most of the time, idea untuk memblog ni selalunya datang bila kawan-kawan aku start bukak free "consultation" dengan aku. That is the absolute truth, nothing else but the truth. Kadang-kadang apa yang aku tulis or advise or respon during our conversation tu datang spontan and I will be like "Oh shoot, I should blog about this.. thanks A (bukan nama sebenar)". Then I will start to relate the issues that have been discussed or chat or whatevaness, with our real life and wallaaa.. another new entry for Ms Suerie's blog. By the way, to my dearly friends which YOUKNOWWHOYOUARE ofcourse.. thanks for the trust and believe that you guys have put on me. Well, like Chucky said, being a good listener and just being there for a friend are the best GIFT a person could offer to his/her friend. That's so true and I'm glad that my friends look up for me whenever they need a "Kaunter" to 'cry out' their problems. I really feel very appreciated in that way seriously. Thanks guys! *big hugs*

Anyway, Wani just posted the lyrics of her new song called Onion and Orange @Facebook. What a wonderful lyrics, macam comel jegh, hehe.. but I really got attracted by this part..

Will chemistry be on track?
Or will opposite attract?
Arguments, silly fights,
awkward moments that we had
and this is what I've commented on her Note..

Dont worry, tak banyak persamaan pun taper :)

Too much chemistry doesnt mean it's a good thing tho coz since our 'journey' of life is still too long to think and too far to imagine, along the way we will find that having too many things alot in common can be bored as well. So this is where the differences between you and ur 'other half' will play its role and will colour your life. So don't worry if too vary *smooch*

Plus, Tuhan kan jadikan kita berpasang-pasang untuk SALING LENGKAP-MELENGKAPI? read between the lines.. kan?

and Bella added up something..
Not because they are alike, but they are totally different..
and combining them, it makes them 'WHOLE'

Ala, so sweet.. macam lagu BSB lak, "What makes you different, makes you beautiful". So guys, lets play Mixed and Match.. shall we? *wink*

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Thursday, January 15

Aloof Woof Woof

Kenapa banyak sangat sangat sangat sangat sangat sangat kebetulan dalam life ni? (nampak tak sangat tu sangat banyak, BANYAK ok?). I did posted an entry regarding on How Ironic Life Is (click to read).. but I never thought that it would be this ironic. *dang*

OK nexttt.. I'll not be around for this whole evening, am off to The Apartment, KLCC. Ada ORACLE nye product launching and ORACLE Partners Networking Day, aiseh kena pegi sesorang pulak tu dan itu adalah perkara yang amat tak digemari oleh saya. Benci I tau (gaya Nyah), hish.. kalau kena ngorat nanti camne, haa haa.. ayok tatau! *giggles*

Wuuuhu.. click HERE, err macam menarek pulak The Apartment ni, jom pegi sini? Jom jom! *wink*

p/s: maaf, jakun.. I selalu lepak mamak jegh, ehem.. LOL

(this part has been added on January 16)

OK, the ORACLE OPeN Day wasn't so bad after all. Gelabah jegh lebih aku ni, huhu. Anyway, semalam sampai-sampai, aku terus pegi registration desk, then cari seat and duduk dendiam dengar presentation from ORACLE, orang tepuk aku tepuk, presenter buat lawak aku gelak and then, at the end of the session balik terus. Err tader la balek terus as Jacklyin from ABS came and approached me before I had a chance to sneak out of the crowd. We chit chat for awhile, discussed something regarding work thingy and blah. Memang tahniah la Cik Suerie *duhh*.

Lepas tu kan kan kan (gedik), semalam lepas event ORACLE tu, aku pegi Sushi King sebab mengidam nak makan Unagi, hehe! *slurpp* Tapi aku makan sesorang jegh, but then ada orang tu cakap "Gila loser u makan sorang-sorang", ah itu semua tak perlu muahahah. Wan Zaleha Radzi pun makan sesorang gak pe semalam kat Sushi King, kira kitorang ni golongan cool ah, gamble jegh makan sendiri.. LOL!

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Wednesday, January 14

Akal, Jiwa dan Nafsu

Orang cakap jangan takut dengan bayang-bayang, sebab bila ada bayang-bayang.. meaning there is light nearby.
Jangan takut susah, sebab kesenangan itu realitinya lebih menggusarkan. Sebab tu ada pepatah, bersusah-susah dahulu bersenang-senang kemudian. Ada jugak aku dengar version remix, haha.. "Bukan senang nak senang, bukan susah nak susah" which is true. Memang dah lumrah manusia, we're always tend to take things for granted, bila mana perkara yang kita nak terlampau mudah untuk kita gapai, kita kurang nak nampak nilai 'sesuatu' tu, kan? Tapi kalau 'sesuatu' tu kita perolehi setelah berhempas pulas, bekerja keras atas daya sendiri, baru kita appreciate sangat-sangat 'benda' tu. For instance, masa study dulu kita tak nampak sangat nilai RM1. RM1 tu macam sangat kecil nilai dia, apalah sangat kan. But then bila dah kerja sekarang, do you guys still having the same old thought? I don't. Kalo RM1 hilang dari account bank pun sure aku akan call bank and tanya mana RM1 aku tu pergi.. huhu. Maka, jangan pernah takut berada di tangga terbawah sebab lebih mudah bermula dari bawah merangkak naik ke atas rather than selama ni berada di puncak but then tiba-tiba jatuh berguling ke bawah. Jangan pulak cepat berkeluh kesah kalau diuji Dia.. bak kata Wani, sifat redha itu is a good start to pursue happiness.
Kadang-kadang Allah sembunyikan matahari
dan Dia turunkan hujan, ribut dan petir
Kita bersedih, menangis dan tertanya-tanya mana hilangnya sang mentari
Rupa-rupanya Allah nak hadiahkan kita PELANGI
Ada sorang lecturer aku dalam class Master kt UiTM sangat pandai berkata-kata, Dr Laila nama dia. She said, human beings consist of three parts: Akal, Jiwa dan Nafsu. Kalau manusia tu terlampau berlandaskan Akal, at the end dia akan jadi bongkak dan lupa diri atau dalam ertikata lain, jahat sebab menyalahgunakan kepanjangan Akal yang dia miliki tadi, contoh terbaik: US. Tapi kalau manusia itu terlampau menurut hawa Nafsu, maka dia hanya layak dipanggil binatang instead of manusia. Sebab binatang tak punya Akal, hanya hidup berlandaskan Nafsu. Contoh terbaik: perogol arwah Nurin Jazlin. Dr Laila also said that, if we're only based on logic - that is what we called a Robot. Maka di sinilah gunanya Jiwa, the soft part of human beings. Kita meletakkan rasa, kasih, sayang, benci, marah, suka, duka dan mengimbangi bersama dua bahagian tadi: Akal dan Nafsu.

Again, it's totally up to you on how you juggle things up, between Akal, Jiwa dan Nafsu. *smile*

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Tuesday, January 13

L to the I to the F to the E

Life is an optional. We will always have more than one option in life.. atleast a YES or a NO.. THIS one or THAT one. You see, actually it's depends on us, how we live our lives. Right? Well, you could say that I'm wrong at this junction, because again as I 've said it's your call.. you have the right to make up your own mind and to choose between RIGHT or WRONG. Why let yourself to get drown into the deep sea of unnecessary anger or revenge or sadness, while you have the choice to just let things go and lets the karma do the job and find it's own way to get things even. Actually a friend told me that, lesson learnt and now I keep on saying the same thing to my friends and even to you guys. I'm not so good in writing, although I still have loads of things in mind right now, queuing to be called but I guess I'll stop here. Entri ni macam tergantung, ah belasah! *giggles*

By the way, jumpa lagu ni secara tak sengaja tadi kat google, I just 'heart' the lyrics..
Life Ain't Always Beautiful by Gary Allen

Life ain't always beautiful
Sometimes it's just plain hard
Life can knock you down
It can break your heart

Life ain't always beautiful
You think you're on your way
And it's just a dead end road
At the end of the day

But the struggles make you stronger
And the changes make you wise
And happiness has its own way of taking it's sweet time

No, life ain't always beautiful
Tears will fall sometimes
Life ain't always beautiful
But it's a beautiful ride

Life ain't always beautiful
Some days I miss your smile
I get tired of walking all these lonely miles

And I wish for just one minute
I could see your pretty face
Guess I can dream, but life don't work that way

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Monday, January 12

Memory Loss

Went off to the pantry bancuh nescafe buat kali kedua untuk hari ini, 'ubat' terbaik for my headache. Suddenly masa tengah menapak balek pegi meja, tup tup aku nampak semut dalam air aku.. sekor, mati dah. Orang cakap kalau minum air yang ada semut nanti cepat lupa. Hurmmmmmmmm.. *think hard*

I took a snip and.. "Ah kita bolos saja dinding itu!". Mak cakap tak baik membazir *grin*

p/s: aku memang sejak azali pelupa pun, short term memory loss. "You're born with it" bak kata orang.. LOL

Kisah Pelupa 1:
Pernah one day, masa aku Form 1, aku gelabah gila cari spec mata aku. Aku tanya Tok Wan, "Tok, nampak tak cermin mata Suri? Dah lambat pegi skola ni", and then Tok Wan dengan muka tak puas hati jawab, "Yang hang dok pakai tu pa dia? Hish budak ni la.." -_-"

Kisah Pelupa 2:
Recently, to be exact - on last Thursday, aku drive kete mak pergi keje sebab tak jumpa kunci kereta aku. Pergi balik pergi balik dari dapur, hall, dining, bilik tido pastu buat another round lagik tapi tak jumpa-jumpa. Siap tarik katil, semua celah dah selongkar. Penat aku mundar mandir try nak ingat balek mana kejadah aku campak kunci kereta ni.. adoi. Mak perli-perli, "Haa try misscall kunci tu, misscall! Muda-muda dah nyanyuk macam orang tua". Kena bebel, dah biasa dah dengar ayat tu sebab meman aku selalu lupa aku letak barang kat mana. Ah sudah, aku tercampak kunci dalam tong sampah ke semalam??? Damn it.. Taper, aku gerak pergi keje dulu, balek kang baru sambung usaha mencari kunci khazanah yang hilang itu. Masa kat ofis mak call bising-bising, tak jumpa-jumpa kunci kereta aku. Erk.. tapi nasib baik, lepas kemas-kemas jumpa jugak celah sofa.. huhu! "Lenkali letak kunci tu biar setempat, jangan campak merata!". Aye aye ma'am!

Kisah Pelupa 3:
Masa kat UM, 3 kali kot aku hilang handphone. Yang paling aku ingat masa lepas tengok D'Unknown perform untuk Festival Seni, UM. Wah bukan main seronok layan diorang nye performance. Bila dah habis, dengan gagahnya bangun tanpa rasa bersalah and blah keluar dari DTC (Dewan Tun Canselor). Oh shoot, baru aku perasan aku tertinggal purse and handphone aku atas seat kat DTC tadi. Cuak cuak pastu kena marah ngan Kak Xira, "Awak ni, careless btul la. Nasib baek menda lain melekat kat badan, kalo tak semua tercicir". OK, ni macam ayat Auntie Jay plak dah.. huhu.

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Friday, January 9

Emotion Sickness

Tadi tengah kusyuk taip details for workstation, ntah pahal aku gi taip Microsoft sickness instead of taip Microsoft Office .. muahaha parah! Since last night lepas tengok hitztv, aku keep on reminding myself to google for the lyrics of Emotion Sickness by Silverchair semata-mata sebab title dia seperti agak emo so aku bajet lirik pun sure emo hingga mencocok hati (ayat Matthews). Oh I'm an emoatic person and I'm full of emotion and I'm full of flaws.. gah, see see emo emo! LOL.. tetiba, OK NEXT!
Emotion sickness
(to idle with an idol)
Addict with no heroine
Good things will pass
It helps with excess access
Lessons learnt

Emotion sickness
(lost no friendship)
Corrosive head pollution
Lessons learnt

p/s: Resolution seterusnya: tak perlu emo yer Suerie, give that title to Bella pulak, she has the credibility.. haha! *wink*

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Wednesday, January 7


"Again, don't give a damn about what were ppl saying bout ya, one of the way to reduce stress is to "turn off" the voices that u have in ur mind, the bad one AND don't mind others so much as well. Stop being a queen of paranoia (as i am.. haha)"

Can't believe I've wrote that on Chucky's wall in Facebook just now.. LOL! The person who's telling her to "turn off" the voices that she has been having in her mind and to stop being a queen of paranoia is actually just like her. Well, most of the time I'm not a risk taker. I always play safe because of the negative thoughts that I have in mind. Paranoid is the best word for this. Yeah, advising is sounds more way easier than implementing it, I guess.

I don't know whether I'm doing the right things now, some said "Just go with the flow" OR something similar like "If you're afraid playing with fire and get burn, stay away from the kitchen. But by the end of the day, you will be starving.". And ofcourse, there are some people making the unpleasant 'sounds' including myself, thanks to the "little voice" in my head. Damn, please prove it to me that I'm 'running' on the right track. I know that I should draw back my attention to what is happening for me right now, because the only place to live is in the present.

Tawakal tu allallah.. but before that, I know.. it need some BIG efforts that comes from the person itself. *smile*
We live and we learn
To take one step at a time
There's no need to rush
It's like learning to fly or falling in love
It's gonna happen and it's supposed to happen
And we find the reasons why
One step at a time

p/s: 2009 Resolution: I'll pass down my 'crown' with pleasure to Alieya and I'll let her enjoy the "Queen of Paranoia" title all alone.

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Brightly Wound by Eisley

Taken from my old playlist collection in 2005, Eisley is one of the band that has the sweetest voice ever (and comel juga) and sometimes I do find that they're more likely to sound like The Cardigans. I will be having a butterflies in my stomach whenever I listen to this song.. membuai-buai, just like a lullaby *heart*

Its happening all the time
When I open my eyes
I'm still taken by surprise
I hold sunlight and swallow fireflies
And it makes me want to cry

I love you

I shall never grow up
Make believe is much to fun
Can we go far away to the humming meadow

We were walking there
I had tangles in my hair
But you make me feel so pretty
You have shinning eyes
Yes like those forest lights
And it makes me want to cry

I was just wishing you were here
So we could walk down to the stream
And we could throw all our leaves in
Seeing our dragon when we look

I love you

I shall never grow up
Make believe is much to fun
Can we go far away to the humming meadow

I shall never grow up
Make believe is much to fun
This place is so lovely
It kind of makes me very happy
Lets go far away to the humming meadow

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Tuesday, January 6

Wedding Ding Ding!

Bala tentera yang menyerang wedding Bali & Halily.. the rest of the piccies ada kat Facebook, credit to Along for the picture below, gle cool! *wink*

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