Monday, November 30

Take 5

I do my thing and you do yours.
I am not in this world to live up to your expectations,
and you are not in this world to live up to mine.
You are you and I am I,
and if by chance we find each other, then it is beautiful.
If not, it can't be helped.

by Frederick Perls

Anyway, I just cut my hair short.. accidentally, #%*@&! Suruh trim SATU INCI but I guess her definition of ONE INCH is BERINCI-INCI. Previously rambut lepas paras bahu but now dah atas paras bahu, *menangis*! Gila failed minah tu punya measurement, but luckily I am not that kind of person yang akan memaki orang eventhough dia buat kerja tak betul. Instead, I said "OK, thanks!" when she asked me how was the "SUPERB SHORT" haircut. Haih, baik gila kan? Konon nak jaga hati minah tu la kan, padahal dalam hati, "Habis rambut gua!". Oh well, lantak lah kan. As long as I look as cute as Dae Sung, who cares aite? HAHAHAHA!

Rambut saya sekarang macam ni lah. Alaaaa, tolong bagi saya 5 minit untuk perasan kejap, boleh?

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Friday, November 27

And I Love You Too

Malam tadi tetiba kakak aku tanya, kenapa aku buang kad yang kawan aku bagi merata-rata. And I was like, "Huh?! Kad? Kad apa?". Nasib baik dia kutipkan and pass kat aku.
Dear Suri,

Syawal may have passed, but I will never run out of reasons to say thank you, forgive me and I love you. You must have done something right or good that made me send you this. Have a nice day!

Wani Ardy
Rerupanya, kad raya Wani. A month after baru aku baca, boleh? T____T Ni mesti kes anak-anak sedara aku ni, habis surat aku dah bersepah-sepah. Dear Wani, if you read this, I am really sorry about this and yang penting, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE THOUGHT AND I LOVE YOU TOO, BABE! And also, congratulations in advance on your engagement.. MMUAH!

Ah, anyway.. should I call her "Wani the forgetful" or "Wani the thoughtful" friend? Declined an invitation to perform with Kid Search so that she could come to my kenduri? Well, I think I will go for BOTH :)

p/s: again.. TYVM, Wani! *smoochies*


Wednesday, November 25

So Just Pull The Trigger

"Drow Lady"
Pencil sketch on paper
11:16AM November 25, 2009

Russian Roulette by Rihanna

Take a breath, take it deep
"Calm yourself", he says to me
If you play, you play for keeps
Take a gun, and count to three
I’m sweating now, moving slow
No time to think, my turn to go

And you can see my heart beating
You can see it through my chest
Said I’m terrified but I’m not leaving
Know that I must pass this test
So just pull the trigger

Say a prayer to yourself
He says "Close your eyes, sometimes it helps"
And then I get a scary thought
That he’s here means he’s never lost

As my life flashes before my eyes
I’m wondering will I ever see another sunrise?
So many won’t get the chance to say goodbye
But it’s too late to think of the value of my life

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Tuesday, November 24

Experiment (Again)

I was just trying out my brand new set of brushes, colours and painting knife that I've bought at Balai Seni Lukis last Sunday, hohoho! Shoot! Rupanya aku tersalah beli colour daaa, terbeli Zinc White instead of White colour. I didn't check the label before beli (apakah?!), nampak sangat gelojoh masa memborong hari tu T____T
"Pari Bintang"
Acrylic on canvas
12:32AM November 24, 2009

Bintang by Air

Bintang di langit
Kerlip engkau di sana
Memberi cahayanya di setiap insan

Malam yang dingin
Kuharap engkau datang
Memberi kerinduan di sela mimpi-mimpinya

Melangkah sendiri di tengah gelap malam
Hanya untuk mencuri jatuh sinaran
Tak terasa sang waktu
Melewati hidupnya
Tanda pagi menjelang
Mengganti malam

Oh bintang tetaplah pastikan cahyanya
Sinari langkahku setiap saat
Bintang pun tersenyum dengarkan pintaku
Berikan kecupan di sudut tidurnya

KLMJ zaman study, back in 2005 I guess.
KLMJ: Kenangan lalu mengusik jiwa.. LOL

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Monday, November 23

Itchy Itchy

Pencil sketch on paper
3:56PM November 23, 2009

Sketch Aizat "Canda di Balai Seni Lukis Negara" memang mengundang betul. Tak boleh tahan, tangan dah gatal nak sketch something. The sketch above was taken using mobile camera, so it's kind of blurry.. sorry! ;)

By the way, ada orang tanya apa meaning MENGUNDANG. Penggunaan MENGUNDANG dalam konteks yang aku selalu guna, sama macam maksud perkataan MENGUJA lah kiranya. Sesungguhnya tatabahasa yang kurang proper, LOL! Tapi perkataan mengundang tu memang wujud dalam konteks lain yang lebih appropriate, contoh ayat "Isu itu boleh mengundang kontroversi" atau "Boleh mengundang kemarahan". Sekian sahaja lesson Bahasa Melayu kita buat hari ini, sekian.

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Thursday, November 19

Memory Error

Kira-kira 10 minit lepas..

Nak pergi pantry basuh mug but instead, dengan penuh 'confident'nya aku gi bawak mug tu pergi toilet. Duhh.. *patah balik pergi pantry* (FYI, toilet berada di luar office)

Kira-kira 5 minit lepas..

Nak buat nescafe: isi susu, gula & nescafe. Lepas tu, ntah kenapa I blankly went to the sink and filled up the mug with air paip instead of hot water. Duhhhhhhh.. *curah semua dalam sinki and buat baru*

What's wrong with you today, Suerie??
Isk isk isk.. mak aih, nyanyuk tahap critical.


Wednesday, November 18

My Heart Beats Like Timpani Drums


but instead

p/s #1: thank you, Chuck!! *giggles*
p/s #2: durian + manggis is not a good combination for those who are having a bad cough


Sunday, November 15

It's Sunday Boredom

Bosan di hujung minggu, maka saya melalak sesorang di bilik. Record lagu ni half way jegh, cukup-cukuplah tu hehe. Before click the Play button, sila decrease the volume a little bit, sound TERkuat sedikit.. biasalah, amatur. Maaf kalau out of tune and suara bikin pecah gegendang telinga, aku tak kira.. aku nak upload jugak. *giggles*

No More by Fynn Jamal

there was once a little girl
living in a paper house
oh she’s happy in her world
dancing with her torn up blouse

there was once a little boy
who had the stars as his own roof
oh he’s one with all the joy
he never cared to fix his goof

twirl, baby, twirl
fly, baby, high
go on, soar
once more

somehow they found each other’s hand
never did they let them go
silent songs filled up the land
with melodies only they know

somehow the jealous wind went mad
and stirred a storm between those two
they lost the only thing they had
without the chance to bid adieu

twirl, baby, twirl
fly, baby, high
like before
once more

isn’t it cruel?
isn’t it cruel?
isn’t it cruel?
isn’t it cruel?

they are happy no more
they know joy no more
they can dance no more
they will sing no more

no more
no more
no more
no more

cause they've no joy afterall.


Blog ni makin hari makin 'kosong'
Rindu entri yang terus dari hati
Sekarang banyak merewang kosong
Sekadar makanan ringan minda yang bernama 'cekedis'.. benci
Emosi itu perlu untuk menulis
Apa aku ni dah tak ada perasaan ke sekarang?

Ah.. bencilah bila tersekat-sekat ni
Benci, tahu?

3:24 AM
November 15, 2009


Saturday, November 14

The Climb

Semua orang balik kampung, maka aku tinggal sorang kat rumah. By the way, semalam right after work, aku pergi 'memanjat dinding' kat Pusat Sukan Lasak, Putrajaya. Setelah sejam sesat nak cari tempat yang tercorok habis tu, finally sampai jugak, hiewww! Memang gamble gila cari tempat tu, dah la tak tahu kat mana, bateri phone pulak 'out', pandai gila kan aku ni? Nasib baiklah jumpa jugak, kalau tak sure balik rumah terus panjat katil.. muahaha!

Someone said to me last night, a climber don't need strong arms and legs but it's the other way round. The climbers soon will have strong arms, legs and tight butt because of this sport. Tight butt? Apakah.. LOL! But I must admit that I almost give up when I was up there and I was like.. "Put me down, just put me down.. I can't do it". Tapi cakap dalam hati jegh la sebab segan dengan instructor tu, hahaha. Nasib baik dapat buat sampai habis but now my arms are aching, aiyak. Masa nak sign resit pemulangan kasut pun, tangan gigil-gigil nak sign.. signature pun dah ntah pape, LOL!

OK la, am off to art class.. daaaaa
Ain't about how fast I get there
Ain't about what's waiting on the other side
It's the climb

The struggles I'm facing
The chances I'm taking
Sometimes might knock me down
But no, I'm not breaking


Baru pulang dari event di atas (flyers). Tersenyum sesorang masa on the way balik tadi, teringatkan si Fynn tadi masa dia nak perform. Tetiba dia pegi petik nama aku before she started her performance, "Lagu "Over" ni saya tujukan khas buat Suerie", tersedak.. haha. Dulu masa first time dengar lagu ni, seriously memang jatuh cinta terus and since then terus set as ringtone for incoming SMS till now :)

What more do you want to hear from me?
Is there anything you wish to see?
I joke, I laugh, I smile, I cry,
I scream a song or lullaby.

But before that, after art class tadi, Abang Fathul ajak pergi this art exhibition kat Pelita Hati, Bangsar - "Metaphorical" by Azmatul Hazrin, a solo exhibition of mixed media-photography. She's an amazing photographer I must say. Stunning photos indeed. Pure beauty, no words are necessary. I took few pictures but then unfortunately, cable camera tertinggal kat office plak, aiseh. Anyway, masa tengah pusing galeri, mata 'tertangkap' dengan puisi yang satu ini.

Tajuk: Bosan

Antara paksa dan rela
wajah-wajah itu rata-ratanya sangsi
berbaur benci.

Pandangan demi pandangan
dilemparkan jauh - entah ke mana

Antara kita
bukan setahun jagung usianya
di bahu terbeban tanggungjawab
bukan satu
bukan dua

Kesepian yang menghimpit
merelakan kebosanan mencengkam diri
ingin dilontarkan kesepian ini jauh-jauh
biar jatuhnya di hujung dunia

Di celah malam
ketika bilah-bilah hujan
berhenti meluruh
dan pulang ke sarung awan
dalam dingin yang mencengkam
dalam ngilu yang meresap ke tulang temulang
aku merangkak mencari makna kebosanan
sukar dan payah
pahit dan getir.

Karya oleh: Alimi Wan Mahmood


Friday, November 13

Come & Go

Jasad saja yang pergi
'Hati' masih kat sini

Pak Long, my mum's eldest brother has just passed away this morning. So, pagi tadi semua orang straight away off to Melaka. Sememangnya arwah sejak beberapa tahun kebelakangan ni tak berapa sihat, maybe sebab tu semua seakan-akan tenang dan boleh terima, I guess. Hurm..

Anyway, could you guys do me a favour, please? Tolong sama-sama doakan semoga arwah diampunkan segala dosa, semoga arwah tetap tenang di 'sana' dan ditempatkan di kalangan orang-orang yang beriman, amin! Al-Fathihah..


Wednesday, November 11


In this video:
Along, Ikim, Hellmy, Omar, Fynn, Tri, Elmi, Wani and ofcoz myself ;p

Thank you very much Elmi for the video!! *smooch*
Sabar Suerie sabar! Piccies semua still dengan Ikim and Omar. But but but.. dah tak boleh nak sabar lagi daaaaah, how?? *agagaga*

UPDATED: pictures pictures pictures coming, LOL! Fuhh, seriously I tell you, tempat tu best gila kalau nak buat photo shoot session seh. Tahap marvelous cantik dia, xspecially in the morning. Kalau dah naik matahari, cantik jugak but fanas ya amat, hieww! By the way for the pictures, special thanks to Ikim *hugs*

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Monday, November 9

Laporan Hujung Minggu

Jumaat main badminton sampai 2 jam dengan officemates.
Sabtu playing around with pastels di art class.
Ahad ber'sunbathing' di ladang UPM dari pagi sampai petang.
Isnin.. sneezing non-stop, demam, MC.

Sekian, terima kasih.


Thursday, November 5


Mines Shopping Fair
(picture taken by: Farihan Mohamad)

Everyone can see
who I appear to be
But only few
know the real me

You can only see
what I choose to show
There's so much behind this smile
you just don't know

#1 On Saturday:
Sesi ini dan ini sekali lagi bermula sepanjang November.

#2 On Sunday:
Sesi 'menembak' video clip "Please" bersama mereka ini.
Click here.

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Wednesday, November 4

500 Days of Summer

They made a statue of us
And put it on a mountain top
Now tourists come and stare at us
Blow bubbles with their gum
Take photographs of fun, have fun

"Us" by Regina Spektor

Wah, I didn't know that Regina's song is one of the OST. Patutlah masa dengar the intro tadi, she sounds familiar. Err.. "500 Days of Summer" saya baru nak tengok kejap lagi. Heeee :D

UPDATED: Dear Auntie Jay's daughter, you should watch this movie as well and do take note of kata-kata narrator di hujung jalan cerita ini, ya.. please! Don't just sit there and wait for it to happens. Have guts, go for it.. LOL! And yeah, this one goes to you too, Chuck or else kisah tragedi dalam bas sure berulang weh.. haha. Owh maaf ya, saya berkecuali di sini.. lalala! L.O.V.E? Err.. what's that? What does it means anyway? You tell me :) *giggles*

And by the way, here are some of the songs taken from the movie that have really captured my eyes and I kinda love some part of the lyrics..

I'm down on my daydream
Oh that sleepwalk should be over by now, I know

"You Make My Dreams" by Hall & Oates

I'm the hero of the story
Don't need to be saved

"Hero" by Regina Spektor

There goes the fear again, let it go
You turn around and life's passed you by
You look to ones you love, to ask them why
You look to those you love to justify
You turned around and life's passed you by
Passed you by, again..

"There Goes The Fear" by Doves

But, I love this song the most: She's Got You High by Mumm-ra :D
She's got you high and you don't even know yet
She's got you high and you don't even know yet
The sun's in the sky, its warming up your bare legs
You can't deny you're looking for the sunset

She's got you high and you don't even know yet
She's got you high and you don't even know yet
It's the search for the time before it leaves without you
Have you lost your mind or has she taken all of yours too?

Whats this about? I figured love would shine through
We've lost romance, this world its turns so see through
Open your mind, believe it's gonna come true
Keep romance alive and hope she's gonna tell you

She's got you high and you don't even know yet
She's got you high and you don't even know yet
The sun's in the sky, it makes for happy endings
You can't deny you want a happy ending

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Tuesday, November 3

The Novembers

Happy 18th Birthday, Faez!

Dulu dia kurus, sekarang dia dah bulat.. haha. Dulu dia putih macam anak cina, sekarang dah err.. kurang putih? ;p Dulu kami tidur satu katil tapi sekarang tak lagi sebab dah tak muat katil. Still, tidur satu bilik, katil asing-asing. Dulu sebelum tidur, kena ber'karaoke' dengan dia sampai dia tertidur. Sekarang tak payah nyanyi apa-apa, dia dah berdengkur dulu. T___T Dulu saya yang dukung dia, sekarang dah terbalik. Dia yang dukung saya, LOL! Dulu saya tolak dia, sure dia jatuh. Sekarang, kalau dia tolak saya sebelah tangan jegh, confirm saya jatuh tergolek.

Dia paling fanatik dengan Anuar Zain, siap cakap janggut dia tu sama macam janggut Anuar Zain. Jangan disuruh cukur, sure dia marah and cakap, "Ni janggut Anuar Zain ar!". Caller ringtone pun lagu Anuar Zain, sehari boleh kata berpuluh-puluh kali dia replay lagu Lelaki Ini kat handphone dia. Kalau tetiba dengar dia menyanyi dengan penuh perasaan, anggap saja itu lagu Anuar Zain. Memang confirm itu lagu Anuar Zain eventhough tak paham apa yang dia nyanyikan tu. Confirm lagu Anuar Zain!

Dan dia mintak semua orang belikan dia LAPTOP for his birthday!

And oh ya, Happy Birthday to Ed, Amal and Ikmal too!!
Semoga dipanjangkan umur
Semoga dimurahkan rezeki
Semoga dirahmati-Nya.. amin


Monday, November 2

October Chronology

Nampaknya October adalah bulan "LOVE IS IN THE AIR".
Dan seperti biasa, December adalah musim 'mengawan', hahaha!

#1st October's "LOVE IS IN THE AIR"
Dua orang teman baik telah dirisik dan salah seorang dari mereka, sudah sembilan tahun kami berteman rapat. To both of you, semoga cepat-cepat diikat jarinya dengan cincin tunang, ya? InsyaAllah, amin!

#2nd October's "LOVE IS IN THE AIR"
Seorang teman baik memberitahu yang beliau bakalan bertunang tak lama lagi. Memandangkan aku orang pertama yang tahu, maka dada rasa sesak nafas sebab nak menahan diri dari bergosip dengan semua orang, HAHA!

#3rd October's "LOVE IS IN THE AIR"
Seorang lagi teman baik mengkhabarkan berita gumbira yang beliau akan menjadi isteri orang tak lama lagi. Hebat tak hebat, they have been together for 10 years and their wedding will be on their 11th anniversary, menarik. By the way FYI, she's a Chinese and gonna get married to a Malay guy. So, jadi bertambah tak sabar nak saksikan detik-detik dia mengucap dua kalimah syahadah nanti. Menjadi orang kedua yang diberitahu, sekali lagi aku rasa nak menjerit sebab tak boleh nak bergosip dengan orang lain. Sesak, sesak.. T___T

#4th October's "LOVE IS IN THE AIR"
Ini paling terbaik. Kes paling rare sekali sebab si gadis yang proposed si lelaki. Why not.. comel kan? The mastermind? Ehem, of course la *cough* saya *cough* (giggles). And yezza, they finally got engaged on last Saturday. Special thanks to Shukor and Aen kerana menjemput daku mengikuti rombongan "cik kiah" ke Seremban, hehe. It was so wonderful to be there with both of you and be witness to the love that you have found in each other.

Dan kepada kamu semua di atas ini (you-know-who-you-are), saya doakan yang terbaik buat kalian, semoga hubungan ni kekal hingga ke jinjang pelamin dan berkekalan hingga ke akhirat kelak. Amin.

Shukor & Aen: Pasangan 'kucing' yang montel :D
Rantai Art 2008 (credit to: OB)

There is more to life
than watching other people live it
Maka, silalah doakan turn saya akan sampai juga, ya kawan-kawan?
Aminnnnnnnnnnnnnnn! (kena la panjang sikit kan, hohoho)

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Sunday, November 1

Through My Window

I don't want much, I just want everything
Thought that I could do almost anything
One step in front of the other
Thought that I could do it alone

Advert ni comel amat!
The background song: Through My Window by Bunkface

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