Monday, March 31

Pure Purple - i loike!

oh skang saya berbawu hugo yg sangat wanginess.. auww!
mekaseh firdaus, consider belated bufday nye pressie kan kan? *sambil kelip2 mate gegedik* huhuhu.. Last saturday, firdaus bawak abah gi midvalley, nak belikan abah kasut keje baru katanye. Dia cakap kasut abah dah nak kne tuka so disebabkan dia nak bawak abah bersupping kasut, abah sanggop kensel aktiviti weekly beliyaw iaitu pegi memancing, huhu kasut baru punya pasal hehe. Ekceli abah tataw pun Firdaus nak belikan abah kasut, mak cakap kat abah yang Firdaus saja nak abah teman dia pegi beli sumtin. Eleh.. nak blakon pun tak reti, kalo dah once in a bluemoon tetibe nak ajak abah teman suppin sure abah pun bole teka, ape daa.. taktik anda tak menjadi la bro! Balek-balek jegh, Firdaus ajak mak pulak pegi beli kasut baru and he asked me to follow as well, saja. Dia cakap mak pun jeles la plak abah ade kasut baru, muahahah! Tetibe aku pun sound "Beli hadiah untuk bufday mak ngan abah in advance egh? Ala... bufday akak nak jugak, nak perfumeeeeeeeee!!!!!!". Then dier ngan confident jegh cakap OK, yeay!! Maka dengan itu, saya pun gegedik mintak beliyaw belikan Hugo botol kaler pepel yg menjadik idaman gwe.. huhu! Lolita Lemphica pun tak hehabes lagi even da 2 yrs... seb baek botol dia cantek haha, bufday pressie gak tp orang len yg pilih la, ai terima aje! ;p

And oh... maap la if aku merepek, ekceli nak post psal men bowling ngan mak and adek2 last 2 weeks tp piccies still lam fon and currently im looking for a lappy to transfer all the piccies.. aihh susah btul kalo tader gigibiru ni! =[


Wednesday, March 19

Pictures of Lies

chris.. u've made me jealous ok! u're not gud at drawings huh? yeah rite... tipu!!! mencik.. huhu. Jeles bangat, pandai lukis, pandai men gita.. can sing out loud (suara anda sgt cute.. oh, teruja!). Tapi saya tawu anda tak pandai memasak.. muahaha! ;p kiddin chris.. nway i did this so called drawing last nite, just came back from Alamanda with my mom and my lil bro, Faez. Balek-balek jegh as usual Faez akan grab all his colouring tools and dengan kusyuknya memulakan aktiviti favourite beliyaw iaitu melukis lukisan2 abstrak yang aku pun tataw ape dier lukis. Usually dier suke lukis dinasour and sometimes kalo dier ade mood dier lukis muke orang. Okla tu, ade skali tu dier lukis lelaki yg berjanggut and aku tanye kat dier sape tu and then dengan confidentnya dier jawab.. "Anuar Zain!!".. muahhahaa! Artis pojaan beliyaw, suker sesangat! Kelmarin plak mase tengah layan cite Bella with my mom, aku tego lagi and tanye "Aish lukis ape tu? Gergasi?" and then dier cakap.. "No.. bukan, layang-layang!". Adeh.. confuse ai huhu. Aku pun amek pensel kaler dier and ajar dier lukis layang-layang standard tadika yg bentuk diamond and ade ekor-ekor tu, last2 sampai arineh dier asek lukis tu ulang2.. haha!

Nway back to my story, mlm td aku saje jegh teman dier melukis kat depan kolam and then suddenly teruja plak nak melukis sama. Aku pun pinjam pensel kaler Faez and suh dier duduk tegak jangan gerak-gerak tp malangnya...... budak-budak!! ade ke patot tengah-tengah kusyuk aku nak sketch, dier gi bwat gaya ultraman la.. pastuh sengih2 tunjuk gigi dier la.. aihh budak neh, saje jegh nak kne sekeh kan? Finally siap gak, sekejap jegh pun memandangkan aku ni tak pandai melukis.. huhu oh tak besh! =[
Hurm... im still wondering what is my real talent actually

Chris.. sadap ok! ;p

p/s: trying to cheer up myself.. steady feet dont fail me now!

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Monday, March 17

Heading to a new DESTINATION

After for a quite some time, finally ive posted something. There are so many lyrics tht i wanted to post rite now.. seems like every song is related to me, that could describes the undescribeable feelings that im having at the moment. Am i being too emotional? Hurm, yeah.. i guess i am! *sigh*.. The last text msg that ive sent.. "Starting from now on, i'll let ya go.. totally! I'll stop hopping anythin frm ya.. slamat bertunang n gudnite!". Manusia merancang, Dia tentukan. Eventho we're still in luv with each other like h*ll, but then when He said "Enough, the time is up!", we actually dont really hv a choice except to say our very last word.. "Goodbye!". 2 years - wasted! Really meh? Not really.. the gud memories are still remain. u're still one of the best thing tht ever happened in my life. Thanks for brought me to my next 'destination', i'll remember all the bittersweet momeries that we've had together along the 'journey'. i guess i need to wait a little while for another 'train' to come by and pick me up and this time hopefully it will be the last 'train' that could helps me to reach my final 'destination' and starts a new beginning from there. But before that, i really need a break..

When you try your best, but you don't succeed
When you get what you want but not what you need
When you feel so tired but you can't sleep
Stuck in reverse?

When the tears come streaming down your face
When you lose something you can't replace
When you love someone but it goes to waste
Could it be worse?

High up above or down below
When you're too in love to let it go
But if you never try you'll never know
Just what you're worth

Actually i shud thx to God tht im not loosing any of my precious beloved fam, i only lose someone tht used to be the other half of me, used to think like tht in the previous days. But i guess only God knows whats better for us, He will only gives us something/someone that we NEED and not something/someone that we WANT. He knows our needs and He complete it for us.. sooner or later, He will coz He knows whats the best for each of us. But still... at the moment, i just cant think straight, being stubborn as i am rite now.. keep questioning WHY and WHY and WHY?! I just cant stop thinking bout it.. STU-PID huh? yeah i guess i am.. stupidity is always gonna be apart of me aite? Just like my blog's title...

Im all out of faith, this is how I feel
Im cold and I am shamed lying naked on the floor
Illusion never changed into something real
Im wide awake and I can see the perfect sky is torn
Im all out of faith, this is how I feel
Im cold and Im ashamed bound and broken on the floor
Youre a little late, Im already torn

By the way, thanks to my very dearest frens for being so supportive, i know u guys want to keep myself moving.. "Move on suerie, taper ko cute ape... cari len k?" Haha.. everybody keep saying the same damn thing.. lawak! Yer saya tawu saya cute dan saya tawu cobaan anda sume untuk menjaga ati saya.. oh terharu kawan-kawan! Mmuah3x!! Define cute? Cute = not ugly but adorable.. haha! Taper, saya paham niat murni anda sume.. ;p Nway, yes.. i need to move on, hangover sampai bila pun tataw coz dont have any reason to hate him, mebi there is but im too blinded by him so thts y i cant find any faulties.. lol! S-T-U-P-I-D :D

It may be over but it won't stop there
I am here for you if you'd only care
You touched my heart, you touched my soul
You changed my life and all my goals
And love is blind and that I knew when
My heart was blinded by you
I've kissed your lips and held your hand
Shared your dreams and shared your bed
I know you well, I know your smell
I've been addicted to you

Goodbye my lover
Goodbye my friend
You have been the one
You have been the one for me

I am a dreamer and when I wake
You can't break my spirit - it's my dreams you take
And as you move on, remember me
Remember us and all we used to be

MARCH - the beginning of new career and life! Hopefully in the becoming days and years, life will be much more easier for me to get through coz i had enough! Ni just dugaan kecik jegh, yeah i know that but im just being as stubborn as i said! There are still a lot of things tht i wanna write here but hey, u know what? Sometimes certain things are better to be left unsaid... aite? Last phrase, HEY HAPPY-NESS, COME AND FIND ME!!!!! :D

I'm slowly getting closure.
I guess it's really over.
I'm finally getting better.
And now I'm picking up the pieces.
I'm spending all of these years
Putting my heart back together.
'Cause the day I thought I'd never get through,
I got over you

p/s: when will i get over you?
"mudahnya sesuatu... mengheretku padamu.."

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Sunday, March 16

my heart dies slowly nowdays *sigh*

hurm.. tataw nak tulis psal per skang..

Perpisahan by Anuar Zain

Ku mengerti perpisahan ini
Bukan kerana kau membenci
Tapi kasih yang pernah ku beri
Tiada lagi bersama

Sering kala aku terlihatkan mu
Impian nan indah tersulam bahagia

Ku harungi hari demi hari
Bersama wajah tak mungkin akan kembali
Tapi hati masih tak terima
Ditinggalkan sengsara

Keraguan ini bukanlah padamu
Perasaan hati masih rindu
Kekalutan ini hanyalah untukku
Tercari-cari bayanganmu

Tak sanggup aku kehilangan

Masih tercari-cari
Keraguan ini bukanlah padamu
Masih tercari-cari bayanganmu
Tak sanggup aku kehilanganmu

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