Thursday, February 26

Emotion Sickness II

The 'heart' of mine is not in a good state. Hati rompong, rasa kosong.. haih, am missing you like h*ll!! *sigh*

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Tuesday, February 24

Chillin' with THEM

Thanks thanks thanks thanks.. *take a deep breath*... thanks thanks thanks thanks!!
Million thanks!!!!!!!! teehee..

Thanks alot to Qiey for the birthday treat on last Saturday!! *hug* Kami makan Japanese Soba, Grilled Black Pepper Chicken, White Chocolate Macadamia cake, Blueberry Cheese Cake and Banana Split.. grrr! Nampak jegh macam sikit tapi penat gila nak makan sampai habes aritu OK, macam nak termuntah sudah.. LOL! KLMJ betul.. mase study kat UM dulu pun, Qiey and Maz belikan aku 2 slices of Secret Recipe's and lepak makan kat Strawberry, PJ. If I'm not mistaken, that was on my 23rd birthday. I miss those days and I still keep the pictures of the three of us OK (err I think so.. hehe), but but but.. this year tiada adegan suap-meyuap macam dulu, Qiey cakap dah besar boleh suap sendiri.. haha! Don't worry, I love you still! OK, mari kenal dengan kawan saya yang bernama Cik Aqeelah

Dia ex-schoolmate saya masa form 1.
Dia juga ex-tuitionmate saya mase form 4 and form 5.
Dia juga ex-roomate/ex-bedmate/ex-facultymate saya masa kat universiti dulu.
And sekarang, dia juga classmate saya sebab kami further master dalam course yang sama.

Berkepit kan? How ironic life can be, sebab itu semua kebetulan.. except furthering our Master in the same field and university. Other than that, kebetulan OK. Mau kebetulan lagi? Birthday saya jatuh pada Feb 17, while she is on June 17.. how ironic is that? Hehe..

And same goes to you, Andy! Thanks alot for the birthday present!! I just love the smells!! Err hold on, did I just mentioned your name just now? Whoppssie.. *run*

Andy.. was my colleague when I was attached to DiGi. He's also no longer there as well, working somewhere in Cyber now. Still, we're still keep in touch.. FB-ing and YM-ing, muahaha! Hey, we need to make use of the technology, aite? Well, he's Sabahan but he don't know that there is a place called Kota Belut in Sabah and he also don't know that Sabah has its own dialect.. LOL! And FYI, I need to write this part in English or else he will start complaining that he couldn't understand what am I babbling about and will start telling me how bad his Bahasa is.. LOL! Unfortunately girls, he is no longer available. Yes, he's married with 2 adorable little daughters. Sorry Andy, your saham jatuh already ;p muahahaha!

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Monday, February 23

The Click

Last night my parents were rushing back to kampung, Kedah. Pak Lang tak sehat, kena warded semalam kat Hospital Parit Buntar. Hopefully he's going to be just fine. Kakak, Firdaus and Faez follow, aku jegh tinggal sesorang memandangkan ISO nye documentation kat ofis tu belom habis-habis lagi. Haih.. tinggal sorang lagi, terus teringat kat cite Keliwon. Damn you Suerie, tader cerita lain ke kau nak teringat time-time camni? Kenapa mesti cerita Keliwon? Kenapa kenapa?? (tekanan sesorang). Aku terkedip-kedip tengok jam, "Ala.. awal lagi, baru pukul 8 lebih". Maka, acara "The Click" pun berjalan lancar, click channel ni berita, channel tu berita, semua berita!! Ahaa, nasib baek AXN ada CSI marathon, layan! Tapi tengok CSI secara marathon pun macam nak termuntah jugak. Then layan London INK, and then click click click itu ini sampailah tertekan One Tree Hill. OMG, lama gila tak tengokkkkkkk!! Lama gila seh tak tengok sebab selama ni abah yang pegang title King of "The Click" untuk tv kat main hall and mak pulak pegang title Queen of "The Click" untuk tv kat dapur. Aku? Terima seadanya cerita yang di'click'kan itu -_-"

Oh ya, maaflah.. FYI, aku bukan pengikut tv series yang tegar sampaikan sanggup beli DVD tv series and buat marathon sampai pagi macam Cik Alieya kita.. LOL! So aku agak backdated sikit bab-bab tv series ni. Anyway again FYI, the main reason why I love so much watching OTH is because of the message behind each episode. Same goes to Desperate Housewives. Aku suka kata-kata penghujung cerita tu, I feel really connected.. they're always quoting something that related to our daily lives. Kata-kata yang agak mencocok hati. So usually, at the end of the series aku dah ready sesiap dengan handphone or kertas and pensil nak salin all the 'magical' and 'beautiful' quotes.

Below is taken from One Tree Hill Season 5 - Episode 11. Well, I know this quote really means alot to few of my friends that are currently struggling hard with their 'LIFE' - I'de prefer the names not to be mentioned but I know, deep down you know who are, don't you? "Aja aja fighting, guys!!"

Albert Camus once wrote..
“Blessed are the hearts that can bend. They shall never be broken.”

But I wonder, if there’s no breaking, then there’s no healing. And if there’s no healing, then there’s no learning. And if there’s no learning, then there’s no struggle. But struggling is a part of life.

So must all hearts be broken?

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Friday, February 20

Closer To You by Counting Crows

Come a little closer if you can
Just forget your fears
Come to me

Cause where I want to be.. is closer to you

Put your little hand into my hand
Throw off this disquise
Come to me

Cause I just want to be.. closer to you

I'm oh so tired of this awefull fight
Cant get by without you

I dont know how I'm gonna be alright
But I'm all messed up
Yeah I'm all messed up.. without you

Dont you wish we were younger
These things go too fast
Come to me
Because I used to be.. closer to you
Oh come to me cause I need to be.. closer to you

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Wednesday, February 18

Short But Beautiful

Little girl and her father were crossing a bridge.
The father was kind of scared so he asked his little daughter, "Sweetheart, please hold my hand so that you don't fall into the river".
Then the little girl said, "No, Dad. You hold my hand".
"What's the difference?", asked the puzzled father.
"There's a big difference" replied the little girl, "If I hold your hand and something happens to me, chances are that I may let your hand go. But if you hold my hand, I know for sure that no matter what happens, you will never let my hand go".

In any relationship, the essence of trust is not in its bind, but in its bond. So hold the hand of the person who loves you rather than expecting them to hold yours. This story is short.. but it carries a lot of feelings.

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Wednesday, February 11

TAG: Google Image

Rules: The rules are simple. Use Google Image to search the answers to the questions below. Then you must choose a picture in the first page of the results, and post it as your answer. After that tag 6 people.

I AM: missing someone

I REALLY WANT TO GO: there and be by your side




MY FAVOURITE FOOD: ikan keli bakar *grin*

MY FAVOURITE COLOUR: earth colours

I LIVE IN: Selangor Darul Ehsan

I WAS BORN IN: Petaling Jaya

I ATTENDED: karate lesson before

MY FAVOURITE SHOW: House MD - love the sarcasm

THIS IS MY HOBBY: i love music

AND I DEFINITELY WISH FOR: till death do us part? *smile*

OK, done my homework Chucky and I think enough tagging for this week.. please I'm begging you, oh please! Hahaha.. ANYWAY, I'm tagging those who are reading this entry right now.. congrats! Feel free to do this tag and HAVE FUN!! *giggles*

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Learning To Breathe by Switchfoot

Hello, good morning, how you do?
What makes your rising sun so new?
I could use a fresh beginning too
All of my regrets are nothing new

So this is the way that I say "I Need You"
This is the way..

This is the way.. that I'm learning to breathe
I'm learning to crawl
I'm finding that you and you alone can break my fall
I'm living again, awake and alive
I'm dying to breathe in these abundant skies

Hello, good morning, how you been?
Yesterday left my head kicked in
I never, never thought that I would fall like that
I never knew that I could hurt this bad

But I'm learning to breathe
I'm learning to crawl
I'm finding that you and you alone can break my fall
I'm living again, awake and alive
I'm dying to breathe in these abundant skies

So this is the way that I say "I Need You"
This is the way that I say "I Love You"
And this is the way that I say "I'm Yours"
This is the way.. This is the way..

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Tuesday, February 10

List of FIVE

Adoi Chuck, baper banyak daa tag aku kena buat.. gila banyak homework! ANYWAY, ada part yang aku copy cat from yours as I'm so lazy to rephrase it back because basically there're some answers yang memang sama point, taper kan kan kan? MFEO we are Chucky.. meant for each other ;p

5 Characteristics of your dream guy/girl
1. down to earth person
2. humorous - love to tease n being teased
3. passionate, has a clear vision in life, committed
4. charming, ofcoz la kan Chucky *wink*
5. 'cheezy' wedges

5 Characteristics that you have never like in a guy/girl
1. love to brag alot
2. harsh (physically n verbally) - swearing not really likey
3. guys with muscles.. i mean like a body-builder type of body, e-uw
4. piercing n wearing necklace
5. Same goes to me Chucky, i cant tolerate with guy tht hv lots of girl friends.. jealousy, put the blame on it! ;p

5 feelings that you have when you're out with the one you admire
1. loss my appetite.. kan kalo berchenta ni org ckp mandi tak basah, makan tak kenyang. tdo tak lena.. kan? LOL
2. being talkative.. i mean i know im a talkative person, but i'll be wayyyyy more talkative for actually calming down myself
3. i'll refuse to make an eye contact
4. i'll quitly take a quick peek n stare at him n i'll be like "haih.. if only i can keep him forever"
5. Tanak balik. Tanak balik. Jom kiter pi jalan-jalan lagi. Jom kiter pegi makan ice-cream. *haha.. i agreed on this part Chucky, deep down inside.. refuse to go home, pray for the clock to stop ticking*

5 places that you want to travel with your loved one
1. Japan (suprisingly we hv the same fav place chucky ;p )
2. island and beaches - ofcoz PD is out of the list and why beaches? great place for snapping pictures LOL
3. swiss/nz perhaps? where 'greenism' and 'peaceful' is the best word to describe the place
4. go to his fav place which i dont know yet whr is tht
5. Makkah - well, ive thought about this n decided to go thr someday once i got married, seriously

5 special things that you would give to your loved one
1. That would be ME??? taraaaa.. *giggles*
2. Hugs, hugs, a lot of hugs
3. My full undivided attention which am afraid tht he cant cope with tht, rimas? LOL
4. My constant babbling
5. My hp bill akan my money?

5 songs that you will sing to your partner
1. Cant Take My Eyes Off You - i loike Muse version
2. More Than Words by Extreme
3. Brightly Wound by Eisley
4. Rocket by Yuna - you're like a rocket in my mind!
5. I'll Be There by Mariah Carey

5 friends that you want to tag:
Wani Ardy

p/s: i know u guys will do this tag.. haha ;p

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Friday, February 6

Love, I Hear

Taken from "A Walk To Remember", I think it was the part where Mandy joined the play. Well, here is another version of it that I've found out from YouTube. (click to watch)
Now that we're alone, may I tell you:
I've been feeling very strange
Either something's in the air
Or else, a change is happening in me

I think I know the cause
I'm sure I know the cause
From everything I've heard
There's only one cause it can be

Love, I hear.. makes you sigh a lot
Also, Love, I hear.. makes you weak
Love, I hear.. makes you blush and turns you ashen
You try to speak with passion
and squeak, I hear

Love, They say.. makes you pine away
But you pine away with an idiotic grin
I pine, I blush, I squeak, I squawk
Today I woke too weak to walk
What's Love, I hear, I feel, I fear I'm in

See what I mean?
Da da da da da da dum...
I hum a lot too
I'm dazed, I'm pale, I'm sick, I'm sore
I've never felt so well before
What's Love, I hear, I feel, I fear
I know I am.. I'm sure.. I mean.. I hope.. I trust..
I pray I must be in

Forgive me if I shout
Forgive me if I crow
I've only just found out
And.. well, I thought you ought to know

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Thursday, February 5

Stay Stay.. Good Girl

I have been a good girl for almost one week now. Wait, hold on.. hold your thought first. Ofcourse I wasn't a notty girl before this.. obviously, duh! NWAY, what I really meant is, I've been good to myself.. drink less caffeine, drink less sweet drinks and drink MORE plain water.. a bottle everyday, a BIG-NOTREALLYBIG kind of bottle, yellow in colour with DiGi logo on it (wow.. seems like someone is still attached with DiGi deep down inside). Kalo ikut lagu Iwan dangdut tu, "Yang sedang-sedang saja" size dia.. ahaa got the picture? No? Then you need to work on more on your right brain rather than the left brain. Reason: right brain is for imagination and creativity ;p

OK crap.. ANYWAY, my lips is getting better.. cracking lips no more thanks to my good behaviour for these few days. Tahniah la cik Suerie, but.. I'm wondering how long this routine would last? Hurmmm... wanna bet? *grin*


Tuesday, February 3

Sunny Starry Moony

There are millions of people in this world, but in the end.. it all comes down to ONE. And when you realize that you want to spend the rest of your life with A PERSON, you will want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible.

A person.. a stranger you were once *smile*

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Sunday, February 1


It's 2:25am and I'm still wide awake.. doing nothing other than reading other people's blogs. Mengantuk.. mata kuyu sudah. Esok pagi-pagi dah nak kena pegi umah Qiey, ada discussion untuk group assignment. Pagi? *berdehem*.. pagi la sangat cik Suerie oi, kita lihat apa kata survey esok. OK, mata dah terkebil-kebil dah ni mintak ditutup rapat and bibir lak 'buat hal', merenyam jegh rasanya ni. Tatau la alergik dengan apetah.. 'menggatal' jegh lately bibir aku ni. Kalo everytime alergik bibir Wani macam Angelina Jolie, aku pulak macam siapa ye? Hurmmmm.. ah itu semua tak perlu sebab sikit jegh, tak cukup menonjol bengkaknya and kekeringan.. memang kering abes. Ni haa.. for the first time (untuk tahun 2009) aku bawak sebotol air masak masuk tido, ye AIR MASAK.. terpaksa minum plain water eventho aku benci nak tegok, urghh! Ah sudah.. vaseline plak mana ntah aku campak, dari semalam cari lepas balek keje tak jugak jumpa-jumpa. Tekanan perasaan betul! OK tido tido.. mulut minta MC atas alasan kekeringan/alergik, maka tak boleh dicium buat sementara waktu. Sekian..

The Owner of the Lusty Lips

p/s: selamat malam, tidur ketat dan mimpi manis! (goodnite, sleep tight and sweet dreams)
