Thursday, April 29


Alhamdulillah, fresh 'air' starting on May 10th.. weehoo!
Oh I'm leaving soon.. Oh I'm leaving soon.. oh oh oh! *joget joget*

And yes, I drew this ;p
Happy tapi mata pejam, senyum sinis.. tak kena langsung, LOL!

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Monday, April 26


After Dan Sebenarnya, Rocket and OCK's Polaroid cover that I have discovered in 2008, here is my next favourite song from Yuna. Decorate - simple, yet nice music arrangement. Since the lyrics is still not available online, I made an effort to copy the lyrics myself. I know surely got mistakes here and there, so pardon me for that. Anyway, lets check this out :)

Updated: a reply from Yuna Zaraai on April 27, 2010 at 3:55pm

Subject: salam
Nur Suria, replied you comments on the wall post, but just in case you tak dapat. Well you got most of the words right!

Thank you for loving the song!

Decorate by Yuna

So you decided to see me out of the blue
Should I let you come over?
I think you're doing fine
That girl in your arms, does she know where you come from?

Almost made me move out of town
You don't want me to be around
But I stayed anyway.. just in case

Finding reasons to hate you more than before
Like how you said you would call
But never at all.. got rid off your number that I know by heart

You left your things at my place
As if I have all the space cause you know I don't mind
Just come back when you think it's time

I'm all black and white inside
Monotonous from left to right
I decorate my house with things you love
Just in case you show up.. in case you show up

"Decorate" by Yuna from Yuna Zarai on Vimeo.


Thursday, April 22

Rise Above

I asked God for strength that I might achieve.
I was made weak that I might learn humbly to obey.

I asked for health that I might do greater things.
I was given infirmity that I might do better things.

I asked for riches that I might be happy.
I was given poverty that I might be wise.

I asked for power that I might have the praise of men.
I was given weakness that I might feel the need of God.

I asked for all things that I might enjoy life.
I was given life that I might enjoy all things.

I got nothing that I asked for, but everything I hoped for.
Almost despite myself, my unspoken prayers were answered.

Some of us are meant to suffer
Some of us are led to believe that we have this certain destiny,
and then it just get snatched away.
But we have to stay alive..
because we have to see how the story ends.

Rise Above by Claudia Johns

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Monday, April 19

Give & Gain

The person who risks nothing, does nothing, has nothing, is nothing, and becomes nothing. He may avoid suffering and sorrow, but he simply cannot learn and feel and change and grow and love and live." - by Leo F. Buscaglia
Macam Wani cakap, "You give nothing, you gain nothing. You give the world, you gain the sea", which is true indeed. Are we willing to take the risk and brave enough to make one step ahead, is really up to us. If you never try, then you will never know. Just have faith, Suerie!
You will get as far as you let yourself..

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Tuesday, April 13



She might find this is funny and put this sign just for fun. But for some people, it is NOT FUNNY at all.

I saw "NO FAT GIRLS" sign a few months ago but didn't manage to snap a picture of it. And guess what? It was a woman driver. Sangat tak sensitif OKAY!


Friday, April 9

Give A Chance and Listen

You see; you can find the good in everybody, if you just give them a chance. The benefit of the doubt. Sometimes, people disappoint you. Sometimes they surprise you. But you never really get to know them until... you listen for what's in their hearts. That's what we should do for them. So for you skeptics out there, prepare to be surprised.

"The Truth Doesn't Make A Noise"
One Tree Hill Season 2 Episode 2

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Wednesday, April 7



Tuesday, April 6

A Bunch of Crazy Peeps

Venue: Kemensah, Ulu Klang
Date: April 4, 2010
Time: 9:00 am (2 hours trip)
Group: 18 peeps
Activity: ATV!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ATV was the most adventurous and craziest thing I have ever done in my entire life so far, serious shiets!! Frankly speaking, it was kinda scary - riding up and down a very steep hill and at times, the handle was kinda out of control every time I rode through a rocky trail and that made me very nervous because I feel like the ATV is going to roll over sideways (which it won't LOL). BUT, it was freaking AWESOME seriously!! We totally had a BLAST!

ATV rocks!!

p/s: pictures credit: Dodie Mokhlis
