Sengal sunggoh..
jam: 1:20pm
ngedet: 27 feb 2006
lokasi: dewan kuliah DK1
tadi.. after class java, lepak2 jap dlm lecture hall sbb dak2 neh ade test kol 2pm so saje la lepak lam tu.. sejok sket, bleh ar dak2 neh (kaj n puc) nk revise notes2 diorg. sambil2 diorg revise sesket tu, kitorg pon borak ar jap.. kire cam iklan ar.. bace borak bace borak.. haha.. ja'at giler aku, tader test sebok ajak diorg borak.. lol!
tengah elok2 borak skalik tetibe abang technicion kt fakulti masuk lam lecture hall tu.. biler dier tinguk kitorg 3 org dok melangok lam tu then dier kuar balek. si puc yg tgh tdo2 ayam tu trus angkat muke n ckp.. "pe hal ko?" haha.. sengal sunggoh puc neh, dier igt ade dak tetibe sebok2 nk masok situ.. aiyak! then... kitorg pon sambung la balek borak2, psal ABH2005 la.. thesis la.. dinner next month la.. kire cukop la sume topik masuk.. hoho!
tetibe... sound system lam lecture hall tuh on.. dgr caller ringtone sore apek senario kuar.. "haih.. pesal sound system neh? biar btul fac neh.. pesal tetibe play caller ringtone lak kt sound system neh??" kitorg dah cuak2 sbb caller ringtone tuh cam agak seram2 gak la. pastu tetibe lak.. aku lagik cuak biler tetibe dgr sumthin yg familiar giler... "uwaaa... sore ustaz yg lam clips org kene rasuk tuh... IDRUSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!" trus aku, puc and kaj dah cuak2... seram gak psal lecture hall tuh besa.. "siut la... diorg neh sure nk kenekn kiter dowh.. siut nye abang technicion, kurang ajaran sungguh... uwaaaa" sambil tutop2 tinge.. siut giler abang2 tu.. hoho! yg x tahan nye tu, lam pd takot2.. aku gelak giler x hengat smpi nanges2 tp takot tu takot gak.. tp siyesli gelak smpi leleh air mate neh.. haha! mmg tutop tinge.. smpi abes diorg play clips tuh. abes jer, trus kitorg bangun blah trus.. cess x gune btul, sengal sunggoh!
kuar jer, trus kitorg lepak dpn bilik teknikal... nk tinguk btul ke abg2 tuh punye keje. elok2 tgh tunggu tetibe pintu tu ade org bukak.. pastu dier jenguk2.. gelak??? siut btul.. sah mmg keje diorg.. tp biler igt2 balek.. lawak giler. tak pnah2 kene camtu kt fac.. dah final year plak kene camni.. lawak gak.. atleast kalo nk terigt2 balek biler dah grad nnt.. ade gak la lawak bodo yg nak diingatkan... ngaa!
ps: kt bwh pix sengal sayer di genting.. hoho!

Labels: Suerie's Album
Funny but Cute..
i dunno if u guys finds its funny or not.. but i do thinks its kinda funny. last nite i were talkin to 'sumone' for hours tru the net la.. jimat bil tepon beb haha! well, time tu dah kul baper dah.. were talkin since around 1:30 am till.. err.. 'tht sumone' fell asleep! yeah.. asleep!! i've told 'tht sumone' so many times to go to sleep coz it was weekdays.. workin days whr 'tht sumone' was not supposed to stay up till late mornin.. sian kamu! as i told u just now.. byk kali dah suh 'tht sumone' tdo.. tp dah degil nk bwat camne kan.. so kitorg just continue la borak2.. yg klakar nye.. dlm pada kate tamo tdo tamo tdo.. mase deduer stop berckp.. ngn dier2 skali stop berckp or dlm erti kate len.. tetido! haha.. klakar but its kinda cute.. lol! imagine muke 'tht sumone' tdo.. somel ngee;p coz i saw once.. after 2 to 4 minutes dier terjaga and when i asked "haa.. tetido egh? jum la tdo.. dah penat dah tu.." bole plak 'tht sumone' ckp.. "tak la.. tdo2 buah jer.. mane ade tetido.. jap lg la baru tdo egh?" yeah rite.. dier punye kejap lg, sejam pon kejap lg gak.. smpi berjam2 kekadang smpi tak pasan dah kol 6:30 am. then after tht continue balek our convo till.. again.. 'tht sumone' fell asleep and this time bkn 2 3 menet dah.. setengah jam.. haha! nak kejut sian.. panggil2 dah x dgr dah, ade gak terpk nk mcall jer fon dia tp x jadi.. sian lak so biar la dier terjaga sendiri. sib baek pkai lappy so dier mmg dah selamat landing2 atas comforter dier.. huhu! puas la dok fikir.. "camne neh.. kalo dier x terjaga till pg.. kene teman dier tdo dpn pc la jwb nye.. tp x kesah pon but then mak bising la nnt. tp kalo nk off pc trus.. kang sian lak dier.. sesedar org dah off.. ahh biar la.. tunggu jer" sementara tunggu dier nk terjaga tuh.. pm2 la jap ngn maz x-rumet gwe. bz sunggoh makcik tuh skang, payah tul nk nmpk batang idong.. huhu!
suerie: tgh lukis2 ke
suerie: tdo kol brp kak?
suerie: adoii.. bole plak ckp2 ngn aku dier tdo neh
suerie: panggil2.. dah x nyahut
suerie: suh tdo tamo.. tp tdo plak tgh2 ckp neh.. cess
maz: get use to it
maz: owh bile die dah tade br nak lyn aku erk..
maz: cis
maz: tgh tgk desperate housewives nih
suerie: :))
suerie: oo..yeke
maz: dah ngantuk wat drwg
suerie: sorry sorry kaco :D
maz: lyn movie sat
maz: okaih..
maz: bye
dialog trademark maz.. "oo.. baeklah.. bye!" hahaha.. sowik maz.. lol!
berbalek kt cite td.. tunggu punye tunggu tetibe ujan lebat giler lak and it was 4:30am already.. "hujan puler.. nk off pc ke haa?" ckp sendiri2..n suddenly bunyi guruh.. dan jeng jeng jeng.. 'tht sumone' terjaga.. haha! terkejut dgr bunyik kilat kot.. lol! n i said to 'tht sumone' "tdo jer la egh? dier dah penat tuh.. dah tertdo2 dah tu.. tayah tipu la" and 'tht sumone' said.. "urm.. okla egh.. org dah x larat giler neh.. tdo dlu egh.. luv ya.. mwah mwah mwah". and ni la convo yg plg awal dibubarkn, kalo tak till 6 pon 'tht sumone' degil tamo tdo.. sian kamu ;'( feelin guilty at a sudden.. huhu! taper.. saye syg kamu.. <33ps: if 'tht sumone' is reading this post rite now.. sowik egh.. ;p
Brighter Than Sunshine
by Aqualung
I never understood before
I never knew what love was for
My heart was broke, my head was sore
What a feeling
Tied up in ancient history
I didnt believe in destiny
I look up you're standing next to me
What a feeling
What a feeling in my soul
Love burns brighter than sunshine
Brighter than sunshine
Let the rain fall, i don't care
I'm yours and suddenly you're mine
Suddenly you're mine
and it's brighter than sunshine
I never saw it happening
I'd given up and given in
I just couldn't take the hurt again
What a feeling
I didn't have the strength to fight
suddenly you seemed so right
Me and you
What a feeling
What a feeling in my soul
Love burns brighter than sunshine
It's brighter than sunshine
Let the rain fall, I don't care
I'm yours and suddenly you're mine
Suddenly you're mine
It's brighter than the sun
It's brighter than the sun
It's brighter than the sun, sun, shine.
Love will remain a mystery
But give me your hand and you will see
Your heart is keeping time with me
What a feeling in my soul
Love burns brighter than sunshine
It's brighter than sunshine
Let the rain fall, I don't care
I'm yours and suddenly you're mine
Suddenly you're mine
I got a feeling in my soul ...(repeat chorus to end)Labels: Floating, Music
Maaf kerana lambat. Tema CINTA untuk bulan Febuari 2006.Dan maaf kerana tulisan dalam flyer (flyer oleh Jasmine) ini terlalu kecil.Sila emailkan karya anda kepada:
anda juga boleh emailkan kepada moderator yang lain juga.
more info
Month of LOVE

"Yes.. there's love if you want it.. dont sound like no sonnet.. my lord"
ada apa dengan CINTA?? haha.. u figure it out by ur own!! bcoz diff ppl got diff point of view bout LOVE... sum ppl says LOVE is bla bla bla... and certain ppl says the other way round... but no matter wht ppl says bout LOVE, there is one common... LOVE is a must in life!! yes, its true and its a fact tht we cant live without LOVE.. LOVE will be always be apart of us, no matter how we try to deny it coz we cant!! tipu la kalo kate "i dun need LOVE in my life.. LOVE is sucks!!" wht a crap... the biggest lie ever in life!! who ever says tht is totally a hypocrite..siyesli! again.. LOVE is abstract.. tak semestinya CHENTA sesama manusia.. it cud be.. ermm.. CHENTA kan music.. CHENTA kereta like most of the guys do, sayang keta dr bini kan? CHENTA diri sendiri.. it cud be anythin and thts depends on us how we perform/express LOVE..
for me.. myself.. LOVE is always be an issue every single day.. like i said just now.. x semesti nye its bout guys! but honestly... LOVE is always gonna be part of me.. thts y if u guys get through all my previous post.. u'll guys will found out so many emow lyrics.. haha.. err.. i guess i'll stop here... bebel x tentu pasal per kejadah ntah.. besides im not so gud in writing like certain ppl do.. ;p
pssstt.. guys, dun forget to contribute kat persetankan.. topic menarek gak... CHENTA.. yezzaaa..!!
Blind - Lifehouse
I was young but I wasn't naive
I watched helpless as he turned around to leave
and still I have the pain I have to carry
a past so deep that even you could not bury if you tried
after all this time
I never thought we'd be here
never thought we'd be here
when my love for you was blind
but I couldn't make you see it
couldn't make you see it
that I loved you more than you'll ever know
a part of me died when I let you go
I would fall asleep
only in hopes of dreaming
that everything would be like is was before
but nights like this it seems are slowly fleeting
they disappear as reality is crashing to the floor
after all this time
I never thought we'd be here
never thought we'd be here
when my love for you was blind
but I couldn't make you see it
couldn't make you see it
that I loved you more than you'll ever know
a part of me died when I let you go
after all this time
would you ever wanna leave it
maybe you could not believe it
that my love for you was blind
but I couldn't make you see it
couldn't make you see it
that I loved you more than you will ever know
a part of me died when I let you go
and I loved you more than you'll ever know
a part of me dies when I let you go
Here by Me - 3 Doors Down
hope you’re doing fine out without me
‘Cause I’m not doing so good without you
The things I thought you’d never know about me
Were the things I guess you always understood
So how could I have been so blind for all these years?
Guess I only see the truth through all this fear,
And living without you…
And everything I had in this world
And all that I’ll ever be
It could all fall down around me.
Just as long as I have you,
Right here by me.
I can’t take another day without you
‘Cause baby, I could never make it on my own
I’ve been waiting so long, just to hold you
And be back in your arms where I belong
Sorry I can’t always find the words to say
But everything I’ve ever know gets swept away
Inside of your love…
And everything I had in this world
And all that I’ll ever be
It could all fall down around me.
Just as long as I have you,
Right here by me.
As the days grow long I see
That time is standing still for me
When you’re not here
Sorry I can’t always find the words to say
Everything I’ve ever known gets swept away
Inside of your love
And everything I had in this world
And all that I’ll ever be
It could all fall down around me.
Just as long as I have you,
Right here by me.
And everything I had in this world
And all that I’ll ever be
It could all fall down around me.
Just as long as I have you,
Right here by me. Labels: Music
No Updates
huh... so sorry lately so bz wif my thingy+assig so tader mase nk update blog neh.. yg sempat is update pix sengal neh.. ngahahah.. soooo SENGAL!! taken by my sis.. siyes shit candid.. duhhh!! haha ;p siutan jer... lol
Labels: Suerie's Album