
Venue: Victoria Stations, USJ
Date : 30 August 2007
Time : 12pm - 2pm
department lunch for this month was OK-la.. tmptnye agak awesome, was held @ Victoria Stations, USJ.. we were eating inside a choo choo train!! hehe.. and my menu for TODAY is taraaa... BLACK MUSHROOM STEAK!! haiyah.. kenot eat seafood like lobster n etc coz skang tgh allergy tahap megatron.. *sigh*!! so just leh tinguk jegh kak Rusila, Nadiah, Andy and others mkn lobster yg besa gaban itu, huhu. Nway the food there were quite nice plus quite xpensive as well. kalo mkn free mmg sgt yummy but kalo nk gi sendiri.. i prefer MAMAK stall.. haha, nahh kiddin! but seyesli mmg mahal gle, live lobster cud cost ya RM100++ each.. bleghhh :\ td pn seb baek waiter tu tnye dlu b4 serve.. he brings out about 1/2 kilos of live lobster and it cost RM600++.. trus big boss kensel n chosed the frozen one.. huhu!
btw tak byk pix lor..time main course td br teringat nak snap pix so for appetizer tasempat nak snap.. da slamat masok lam pewut.. oh yeah, yummy mamalicious!! ;p