Friday, August 29

Happy Fasting

Belum pun sempat Ramadhan sampai tapi aku dah di'booked' oleh kengkawan utk sesi berbuka puasa

Belum pun sempat Ramadhan sampai tapi baju raya aku rasenye sedang galak digunting oleh tailor yg berkenaan

Belum pun sempat Ramadhan sampai tapi orang-orang dah bz promote kuih raya memasing

Tapi yang paling best..

Belum pun sempat Ramadhan sampai tapi aku dah dapat duet raya in advance... ini aku suka, wuuhuu!
How heaven my life is.. for temporary haha! By the way..
Happy Fasting guys and welcome back to 'you', Ramadhan Al Mubarak!


Wednesday, August 27

Thank You

Thanks Mr/Ms Anonymous, thanks sebab tolong angkatkan wiper kete aku.. depan blakang plak tu. I as the owner pun tak amek kesah sangat bab angkat-angkat wiper neh.. hoho! Thanks again to you dear stranger, sungguh 'ringan tulang' kamu yer.. terima kasih daun keladi! :)


Monday, August 25

Just Another Quotation

"If someone prays for patience, you think God gives them patience? Or does He give them the opportunity to be patient? If he prayed for courage, does God give him courage, or does He give him opportunities to be courageous? If someone prayed for the family to be closer, do you think God zaps them with warm fuzzy feelings, or does He give them opportunities to love each other?"

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Friday, August 22

Good vs Bad

Someone popped up this Q to me last few months ago, "Do u think I'm a bad guy, Suerie?" and I answered him by asking him back, "OK let me ask u something, if seseorang tu tak terlibat dengan drugs, women, alcohol.. can we simply consider that person as a GOOD person?". OK, if a person done all the 3 things that I've stated previously, I also cannot say that person is a BAD guy right? But from the standpoint of society, he is. See, could you simply define what a "good person" really is? Actually we're the one who define a good person, it's the truth. The deeper question is what shapes a person's perception of truth?

We always believe in things that we can see and not the other way round usually (please exclude hal-hal keagamaan). We usually judge people, some would interpret this as accepting everyone regardless of facts. In short, its ok to have a 1st impression about people but dont pass judgement on them. Kadang-kadang apa yang kita nampak tak semestinya seperti yang kita nampak. Zahiriahnya pijak semut pun tak mati tapi kat belakang kengkawan, masyaAllah. Some wear "being good" like a coat and the great thing about this kind of scenario is that eventually the winds of life will become forceful enough to blow that "coat" off and you will have a plain view of their true colours.

So berbalek to soalan kawan aku tu, aku terpikir who am I to classify him as a GOOD or a BAD guy? And what moral and ethical standards should I uphold? Bak kata orang tua-tua, berkawan tu biarlah memilih. Memang, kita memang kena memilih, pilih nak ikut aspek yang positif or negatif. As for me, aku berkawan dan kenal orang tu as individual, hal-hal private life masing-masing itu hal masing-masing and as friend bukanlah aku duduk saja berkawan kosong. A GOOD friend will be supporting your back, be the best listener ever, menjadik bantal empuk time-time tengah frustrated, cry with you and laugh with you BUT a GREAT friend will tells you what have you done wrong and tegur segala salah silap kita so that we could be a better person from day to day. Tak gitu? Memang sometimes kita slalu ucapkan perkara-perkara yang kawan kita nak dengar as penyejuk hati but then bak kata seseorang kat blog dia (i-know-u-know-who-am-i-referring-to kan kan pakcik?), "kenkadang mmg tugas kengkawan untuk bagik a slap on the knees.. or even to the face". (this phrase is originally from his entry)

OK jap.. apa point aku tulis pepanjang ni tadi? Oh gosh.. malas dah nak berpikir, sok sok sambung boleh? By the way, aku malas nak go through what I've wrote just now so if ayat tunggang terbalek, just ignore it first. Sekian..

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Saturday, August 16

I Could Be The One by Donna Lewis

I could be your sea of sand
I could be your warmth of desire
I could be your prayer of hope
I could be your gift of everyday

I could be your tide of heaven
I could be a hint of what's to come
I could be ordinary
I could be the one

I could be your blue eyed angel
I could be the storm before the calm
I could be your secret pleasure
I could be your well wishing well
I could be your breath of life
I could be your European dream
I could be ordinary
I could be the one

I would lie here in the darkness
I would lie here for all time
I would lie here watching over you
Comfort you
Sing to you

I could be your worry partner
I could be your socialite
I could be your green eyed monster
I could be your force of light
I could be your temple garden
I could be your tender hearted child
I could be ordinary
I could be the one

I would lie here in the darkness
I would lie here for all time
I would lie here watching you
Comfort you
Sing to you

Will I ever change the journey
Will the hushed tones disappear
Oh little Rita
Let me hold you
Oh little Rita
Let me love you

I could be your leafy island
I could be your thunder in the clouds
I could be your dark enclosure
I could be your romantic soul
I could be your small begining
I could be your soothing universe
I could be your ordinary
I could be the one

I could be your ordinary
I could be the one

I could be your ordinary
I could be the one

p/s: thanks wani for introducing this song, damn Donna Lewis is so sweet.. she reminds me of Rilo Kailey's voice. Terbuai-buai dengar lagu ni, swing swing baby!

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Friday, August 15

Spreading the Virus

After a week i've been sick due to fever.. finally I went to the hospital for a blood test after I've found out that my body temperature has reached 39 deg last night. Lagipun, ramai sangat yang suggest suh pegi bwat blood test, takot-takot kena denggi.. musim kan sekarang. Luckily, after 4 hours (4 hours ok.. 4 hours) waiting for the result.. rupanya doktor cakap the fever is due to infection sahaja and i'll recover within one week. The doctor gave me one day off seems like arini pun dah ari jumaat, so one day off should be fine plus 2 days weekend kan. Then I straightly went back from the hospital around 1 am.. pegi pukul 8 pm balek pukul 1 pagi, seb baek bayar singgit jegh.. aih. Nway Min, sorry sebab aku tak sempat nak visit mak ko eventho dia kat hospital yang sama. Malam tadi seriously aku nak berjalan pun tak larat sebab gastrik aku datang, menanges aku kat emergency room tu tau tak, malu jegh!

Tengahari tadi plak, mak call dari Mekah. Mak nak tanye aku dah sehat belom, skali tengah borak-borak tetibe.. "Ini berapa riyal? 50 riyal?". Lor, ingatkan mak tengah buat ape, rupe-rupenye mak tengah Tawaf Kidai aka Kedai.. shopping, huhu. Ni pun abah plak call umah, abah cakap Faez demam sampai kena naek wheel chair nak bawak dia gi Tawaf Kidai gak, huhuhuhu. Ingatkan pegi Tawaf Ka'abah, hehe. Kesian Faez, dia demam lepas panjat Jabbar Nur. Untung dia, dalam kurang-kurang dia pun, dia jugak sampai dulu ke Tanah Suci kan.. dah bahagian dia bak kata Abang Sham. :)

Mak.. doakan Suerie sehat cepat yer, hehe!


Tuesday, August 12

Mission Confession: Ke Hadapan Bintang Jatuh

(This is on behalf of Ms Wani Ardy)

I am making a short film-documentary-music video titled Ke Hadapan Bintang Jatuh which is about people who are secretly in love. It would be my personal tribute to these unsung heroes.

To make this project a reality and share the outcome with all of you. I need a collage of confessions.

Please support by sending in your videos/voive recordings about the person you are secretly in love with. Every recording shall not exceed one and a half minute and every confession must be ended with "Ke Hadapan Bintang Jatuh, (your message to him/her)". You can go anonymous. It's up to you. For further details, please click here:

Kindly send your confession to:


Wednesday, August 6

Expecting The Unexpected

The Unexpected Case 1:

Last 2 weeks, I've received a letter from my cnior mase kt UM dlu.. his name is Ong Poh Kem. Hurm pelik.. coz the handwriting sangat-sangatlah familiar, macam tulisan aku! Then aku belek-belek depan belakang atas bawah sampul surat tuh, penuh dengan nama-nama senior aku mase aku join satu projek neh during my 1st year in 5th college, UM. Sah, memang tulisan aku sebab kat belakang sampul tu ade tulis 22 June 2002. Pergh gila lama, trus aku teringat ni sure ada kene mengena dengan salah satu aktiviti yang kitorang bwat dlu mase projek KLKE IV. And firasat aku tu tepat skalik, bukak-bukak jegh surat tuh.. tertulis "Apa Yang Akan Berlaku Pada Saya 5 Tahun Dari Sekarang?". Muahahahaha.. pergh gle la, he really sent this mail for real seh, but delay sket laa.. now sudah 6 yrs from the day that i've wrote the letter but hey, still sangat komited OK. Even after 6 years pun dia still ingat lagi untuk mail back our memorable letters. Thanks!

Nway back to the main story, bout the content of the unexpected letter. OK, ini sangat memalukan and I've read the letter out loud in front of my mum, sisters and bro. This is totally totally embarrassing guys.. adoi! OK, here it goes... the letter sounds like this (almost.. sok update with the exact/original content ok guys as i didnt bring it today)

1- Saya rasa sekarang ini saya sudah pun menamatkan or sedang menyambung pengajian saya dalam Master.
Tipu tipu.. apply pun belom lg, LOL! But hey, you know what? Actually I've already planning for that, application form pun dah print out, just belum isi jegh lagi.. hehe! OK, atleast misi bukan tak tercapai.. cuma delay for A FEW YEARS sahaja, huhu ;p

2- InsyaAllah, saya telah pun berkahwin pada waktu ini.
OK, this is totalllyyyyyyyyy extremelyyyyyyyyyyyyy embarrassing.. muahahahaha! I dont know what the heck I was thinking at that moment.. haha se-tu-pid! Well, most probably bcoz 2 of my sisters got married just right after they graduated so I thought I will too.. and unfortunately I am not, I am still single and I am not getting double or triple.. OK fine! Another mission is unaccomplished.. booyah!

3- Saya still keep in touch dengan kengkawan lama xspecially ex-5th RC, ex-KMM and ex-schoolmates.
This one bole consider berjaya, zaman maju neh.. macam-macam cara ada nak trus keep in touch, such as FACEBOOK, huhu! Semua orang dah berkampung kat facebook, adeh deh..

4- be more proactive, be more positive and be more confident.
err.. err.. did i still apply this method? err.. heeeee

5- Yang penting, saya sudah bekerjaya and maybe saya sudah punya kereta sendiri.
Finally.. ade jugak misi yang tercapai. But then kenapa agak lemau jegh aim-aim aku neh? busan busan.. saya seorang yang membosankan indeed!

The Unexpected Case 2:

On last 2 days plak, I've received a phone call from my ex-colleague mase kat DiGi dlu.

Him: Hi Suria, awak dah keje dah skang?
Me: Dah, nape egh?
Him: Owh yeke.. lama dah ke keje, kat mane tu ofis?
Me: Dah masuk 5 months dah, kat Mines, nape ni?
Him: Owh.. ingat nak ajak awak masuk sni, sni nak pkai DBA
Me: Sni? Sni tu mane?
Him: Kat U-Mobile. Kalo agak-agak keje kat sane tak best, awak kol la k
Me: Ala.. awak ni lambat la, saya bonding kat sni.. haha
Me: Taper, pape nanti roger-roger.. thanks egh!
Him: Ok, pape bagi taw la yer. Bye!

OK, that was unexpected and I've expecting things like this to happen, but then there is nothing I can do about it now as aku terikat dengan bond.. wasted! Taper la cik Suerie, gain more experience dulu. Ni namanya tader rezeki, esok-esok ada rezeki ada la tu, tayah cari-cari.. nanti datang sendiri.

The Unexpected Case 3:

I was trying to browse MySpace via mobile last night. Save to file? OK, aku save jegh kot-kot MySpace nak create a temp file so that I could continue browsing MS but then taleh pun. Malas nak menggodek-godek kenape, so aku pun disconnect jegh and check balek file yang aku save kat dalam memory card phone aku. OK, nothing.. the directory is empty and aku pun straight away delete the file without having a second thought like "am i deleting the correct file????????". Aku selamba jegh press Delete and guess what.. actually aku mendelete sume files yang ada dalam memory card, damn it!!!!!! Honestly, tader important files pun yang aku save dalam tu, just setakat mp3, some self-photo whoring session and...... some "old lame memories" which I've should delete it a few months ago. OK, i guess maybe this is a BIG SIGN from God, nak tunggu aku delete those piccies memang ntah bila nak delete agaknya, so degil sangat tanak delete, kan dah TERdelete.. LOL!

And talking about that, congratulation to you on ur upcoming wedding this 080808 and wish you endless years of happiness! Amin..
