Event : Dinner Bash - Girls Night Out
Venue : Al-Rawsha, Ampang
Date : January 23rd, 2010
Time : 8:30 PM (janji melayu, you know what I mean, hahaha)
Theme : Green & White
It's been quite a while since our last meet up, I mean to get everybody gather like this.. hiewww, took lots of efforts to make this happened. Thanks to the organiser, puji diri sendiri hahaha *cough cough*. Glad most of us dapat datang eventho bukan semua. Tapi once dah gather ramai-ramai macam ni, paham-paham jegh lah. Tiga benda yang tak dapat dipisahkan lagi. Firstly, KECOH macam tempat tu bapak ana yang punya. Secondly, LAUGHING till our sides hurt, nak snap gambar pun tak boleh nak keep still.. LOL! Then, SNAP SNAP SNAP, pantang jumpa camera. And because of we were too excited last night, after I have uploaded the pictures, only then I noticed that none of my pictures ada muka the guys, hahahaha.. kesian gila! Para isteri semua lupa kat laki masing-masing, tak baik tau korang ni.
Oh ya, HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the January's Girls.. Chucky and Shida!
Sorry lah girls, surprise tak menjadi.. blame the waiter please, LOL! But the most important thing is the thought that matter, right? Agagaga, ayat cover line. Ahhh, tak puas actually. Hope we can do this much often.. soon. Yeah, sounds impossible since that everyone already got tied up with their own things, but we will see how okay, girls?
Lots of LOVE,
Suerie *smooch*
May today there be peace within. May you use the gifts that you have received, and pass on the love that has been given to you. May you be content with yourself just the way you are. Let this knowledge settle into your bones and allow your soul the freedom to sing, dance, praise and love. It is there for each and every one of us.

The Girls, ex-5th RC batch 2002/03, UM

Chucky with the colourful fan that I gave her that day
picture taken by: Chucky
Labels: Chill Out, Cookies