Monday, May 28

Berseni: I Am?

my BRACELET.. the combination urmm.. ntah, okla.. so-so, kalo ikut kn malas nk bwat tp hentam saje lah, pening ai nk pikir design2 neh.. the bracelet look nice but i think Terrence's bracelet is nicer, nmpk cam best sket.. jeles ai! huhu.. he wanna give it to his gf.. auwwww so shewitt! and i..? have to do all by myself... err sape lg nak bwat kan pn.. apetah! btw sorry bout the pix... lil bit blurry sket coz gune fon camera yg cikai2 jegh.. hehe! wait till i bought one.. a camera ofcoz.. but not so soon, tggu kaya sket.. bila ntah nak kaya tu! camne agak nye.. tasempat nak kumpul duet dah kne settle down hutang2 ngn UM. Pastu sebok2 nak beli kete plak.. waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! : later... *pinsan*

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Friday, May 25

D'SPA: Taraaa

D'SPA @ DiGi: Taraa..!!

Fully booked for Full Body Massage session.. thx God sempat booked, teehee!

err.. anyone wanna book for Foot Massage? auchhh.. tamo!!

Manicure and Pedicure sessions: i've these two..
check out my nails.. haha!

err.. oppsss.. lupe nak potong kuku.. err hehe!

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hehe.. cantek tak? cute kan.. i made this necklace for Andy's daughter, Allyson.. nice huh? okla kan.. cute giler tuk 2 years old kid like Allyson, haha.. puji diri sendiri... ape daa! Tapi leceh giler bwat mende alah neh.. dah la beads yg tinggal sume nye saki baki jegh.. asal diorg re-fill beads jegh, sure yg cantek2 sume dah kne culik dlu.. haih, giler pantas KAUM HAWA kt digi neh pilih2 beads.. hebat! Dah lah leceh, nak masokkn sesatu beads tu xspecially yg kecik skalik.. uhhhh seyes menguji kesabaran, lama plak tu nak siapkan. Elok2 dah bwat pepanjang.. tetibe terpikir design len plak.. then kne kuar kan balek beads2 tuh, pastu masuk balek.. jap gi kalo tersalah masokkan beads tak ikut susunan, kne kuar masuk balek.. adeh deh! but finally bila dah siap.. taraaaa, seb baek cute.. hehe! weeee.. nak tinguk Allyson pkai nnt.. cumeiiiii!!

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Liputan Cuaca

panas yg sgt terik! kenape cuaca skang neh cepat btul berubah egh.. pepagi matahari mmg dah terik btul, nk drive pn susah.. terkedip2 mate neh. pastu tengahari pulak, uhhhh panas dier mcm kulit muka neh terbakar jegh rase.. seyes! kaki aku dah berbelak2, padahal bukan berjemur pn.. just hehari berjalan gi parking kete jegh, tu pn bole sunburn.. cess! free TANNING yg berbelak2.. berstripe kaki aku neh.. sbb pkai sandal! waaaa.. tekanan! kang bila petang plak, mendung.. kalo ujan, ujan laa.. lebat bukan maen tp kalo x ujan pn, mendung+angin kencang jegh smpai malam.

last week.. almost everynite hujan! dah la aku lately suka tdo kt sofa dekat hall.. ade skalik tuh around 2 or 3 am cmtu, aku tgh duduk2 kt sofa sambil on9 gune laptop aku.. suddenly dgr kt lua mcm dah hujan. Okeh, fine.. hujan jegh, bukan nye petir berdentum or whteva.. so aku stay jegh kt bawah. Then jap lg, aku dgr macam munyik ala2 lori besar or bas lalu lalang... erk? bas? lori? kat area perumahan pepagi buta? biar betik... then aku wat dunno jegh, dalam ati pk mebi munyik lori besar jegh. Pastu aku dgr lagi for the 2nd time.. then the 3rd time, 4rd... dan.. aku pn trus shutdown laptop and tinggalkn jegh kt sofa.. berlari trus naek atas n masok bilik! haha.. penakot nye budak.. bukan takot per, rerupenye munyik tu munyik angin, tgh kencang bertiup! tp menggerunkan seh.. tu psal aku cecepat naek atas coz tak berani nak lepak lelama.. horror giler munyik angin tuh bertiup! kang maken lama aku lepak situ, maken bebukan otak aku neh pikir... owh tidak tidak, baek aku naek atas tdo! huhu..

see.. i took this pix around 8:20am on Monday!
Terik tak???

maner sunset neh.. tanampak pon!
i went back home around 7:40pm.. almost everyday!


Thursday, May 24

POTC: At World's End

Location: TGV, KLCC
Time : 8:00 pm
Date: 23rd MAY 2007 (Wednesday)
hey hey.. i've watched POTC: AT WOLRD'S END! btw it's not like wht i've expected it to be... but OK-la.. menraek but ramai yg ckp 2nd one lg best.. FYI, i didnt watched the 2nd one.. missed it! so nk compare pn tataw la.. but still luv JACK's madness.. uhhhhh wuff wufff!! seperti biase la kan.. JACK SPARROW mmg klaka, eventho ade part2 yg dier serious pn, sure end up ngn lawak mengong dier jugak. JACK yg gila tp pandai... tak hehabis ngan kompas dier, adeh! btw.. malas nk bwat ulasan psal POTC coz x reti nk garap camne.. huhu! and lagi satu.. kang org len nak tinguk dah x best plak... dah x suspender lagik! buwahahahahah.... ;p
so kesimpulannye... there will be POTC4 for sure, cite psal 10 years after plak.. the new CALYPSO & CAPTEN DUTCHMAN plak next time.. huhuhhu!! And JACK... in his attempt to get his BLACK PEARL back.. again! haha.. kalo mcm neh sampai bila pn x hehabis..

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Wednesday, May 23

KAKI: Untuk Berjalan

Owh.. arineh ektibiti berjalan ke sane ke mari.. from lot 30 gi lot 10, semata2 igt nak gi pilih2 beads for bracelet.. malangnye, beads2 yg tinggal sume yg simple2 jegh, dier ckp next week br diorg re-fill new beads. Ala.. :( lambat nye!! So alang2 dah kt situ, aku gi redeem one scope of chocolate ice-cream.. uhhhh yummy!! ade lg 2 scope lg leh redeem tp kan satu scope pn cam dah muak, sbb byk sgt.. haih! then aku redeem gak nuts, tp dlm bekas tuh tak byk pn.. taper la, dah dpt free pn lagi banyak bunyik.. buwahahah!!

lepas tu, spt biase aku gi mkn kt Reload since intan lately neh mls bebenar nk drive gi mkn kt lua.. so makan kt cafe jegh la. Next ektibiti, lepak2 kt tempat intan sementara menunggu jarum menunjukkan pukul 2 coz nk gi collect tag and toolbox.. dan sekali lagik, berjalan kaki pulang ke lot 30.. haa, busan x ektibiti arineh? :| huhu..

neh Redeem card tuk tick anything yg staff dah redeem, like mine.. dah ade satu signature kt ice-cream.. so two more left! and same goes to Going Nuts which is mean collect box of nuts. erm whts left? oh yeah.. yg belum redeem are fruit juices twice time.. and beads. Next week plak..

This is my permanent ID Tag.. just collected it

taraa.. here's my Toolbox.. igtkan dalam dier ade mini spana ke hape.. rupenye ade botol air, earphone and mobile's charger.. and also an adapter.. apedaa!

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Tuesday, May 22


new born baby gal.. ;'(


Kak Erni, my bro in law nye sis.. just passed away this morning. Sedih sgt.. eventho i've never spoke to her, not so close but terase sayu sgt td n smlm mase melawat time arwah ade lg. Smlm, aku amek halfday EL coz dpt kol from ayang btaw kak erni nye jantung dah stop berdegup! Then aku n intan trus gi hospital serdang time lunch hour.. arwah still coma after her 2nd operation tuk buang rahim. Yg paling sayu sgt sebenarnye.. anak sulung dier & the new born baby gal x sempat pn jenguk mak dier. yg anak sulung tu, x jmpe sbb mase arwah sedar sekejap dr koma, arwah tak bg org len bwk anak dier masok.. sbb tamo anak dier nanges2. anak dier yg sulung still tataw mak dier dah tader sampai la mak dier dah dimandikan.. lpas da kapan, br diorg btaw n bawak dier masok tinguk mak dier n ciom mak dier. Memula muka dier blur sgt, dier mcm x paham.. then bila dah bwk kuar dari bilik jenazah, br dier start menangis.. ;'( sayu jegh tinguk! biler gi jenguk baby arwah pn, sayu sgt rase nye. Tader sape pn gi tinguk2 kan baby.. just skali skala ade la gi tinguk tp kebanyakkan mase, sume family mentua kak erni just duduk kt wad ICU. sian baby tu.. ;'(

air mate neh menderu jegh mase duduk kt sebelah hubby kak erni.. hubby dier tenung jegh gamba arwah, gamba kt ic arwah.. pastu asek beristighfar jegh! then sesekali dgr hubby dier ckp ngn mak mentua kak erni, "saya sayang dier sgt2 mak.. saya sayang sgt kat dier.. dier baek sgt, saya dah janjik ngn dier mak.." uhhhh.. =[ mmg mengalir laju jegh air mata aku neh bila dgr... hurm, sbb tu org slalu ckp.. sayang la org2 lam hidup kita neh selagi dier ade.. kalo dah tader nnt, tader la rs terkilan.. dun take anything or anyone for granted.. kita neh bebila jegh bole PERGI, so hargailah org2 di sekeliling kita neh..

Semoga rohnya dicucuri rahmat Illahi.. amin!

Thursday, May 17

PICNIK: Testing

bergegas pulang dari sesi menternak lemak di pewut di DiGi Reload
Reload? haa.. mmg sesuai nama cafe tuh.. reload lemak lam pewut.. haha!
btw.. wanita tersebot bkn aku opkeh.. tht is INTAN, my 3rd sista!

waterfall in the building yang tak jelas kelihatan sbb snap gune camera fon yg cikai.. huhu!
dan bench ala2 @ the park.. berdepan dgn bench tu ade tv plasma tp x sempat snap.. ai segan, haha! snap sane sni.. malew jegh

hallway.. menuju jalan pulang!
Wall of Deco!
tasempat nk amek pix fresh flowers kt hallway kat 2nd floor.. damn!

End of Path: Beginning of A New Journey

ngahaha.. ekceli testing application yg mellisa from persetankan introducekn.. PICNIK! menarek mmg menarek.. tp kalo penggunanye lembab cm aku, mmg hasil leh campak lam tong sampah.. haha!

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Work, play and ... eat cake!

This morning when i came into the office.. found tht entrance kt receptionist ade byk belon and then got like mini dining tables covered in red.. erk? ade ape neh? then tetanye la kt cleaner yg tgh bwat deco tu.. then they said they know nothing! ah x besh btul.. pastu pak guard btaw, got mini party for DiGi staff. for wht reason.. dier pn tataw! besh besh.. party means FREE makan-makan!! weehee..

But then im still wondering, nape tetibe nk hold mini party? DiGi nye shares melambung? ade launch new product/services? hurm.. sampai2 kt meja trus bukak laptop and check email.. huh, tader pn any announcement! slalu if anything, diorg akan inform via email.. n then at 9:23am, br dpt email frm Frank to all DiGizens. Then after tht br la tawu nape diorg nak hold mini party.. Norway's National Day!! :

--- Message from Morten Lundel, CEO ---

The activity level in DiGi is really high these days. So much to do, so many high goals to reach for. Yes, we have our daily market share battle and operational issues.

But we also have more long term marketing strategies to craft, we are talking about how to transform DiGi into a new powerhouse of Excellent Customer Experience (ECE), and in parallell with this we have the Technology division's many initiatives aimed at achievning significant network quality improvement and further innovation. All in all, we are again moving to transform DiGi, to lift ourselves up to a new platform.

To achieve this, all of us need to work smarter. We migh even need to work a bit harder. And, in true DiGi spirit, the harder we work, the harder we must play. And... we must eat cake. Why? No particular reason, but why not grab any opportunity to make a moment now and then a bit special. 17th of May is Norway's National day, and this offers a reasonable excuse for a slice of cake, maybe even two slices.

Syttende Mai (17th May) is as mentioned the National Day of Norway. The same way it is here, our National Day is a day of family, unity and celebration. The kids are in focus, and families get together to experience elaborate parades, national costumes, icecream and sometimes sunshine. We don't get all of that to DiGi, but we do get a piece of the classic 17th May cakes. So, today, you will once again get to taste a sweet bit of Norway with Blotkake and Kransekake (the official Norwegian cakes) that have been delivered to all our offices.

For those in D'House, you can make your way down to the Courtyard, and just for today from 9.30m onwards, there's freshly baked cake, a taste of Norway.

Do nJoy!



Wednesday, May 16

Menternak Lelemak

"you neh kuat mkn la, tp manyak kurus lg.." huhu.. Andy tego aku lpas aku offer dier biskut tadi. Ala.. biskut mkn byk2 pun bukannye gemuk mane.. takat naek 500g??? baek tak payah.. badan aku neh mmg susah nak naek! letih dah nk kasik badan neh chubby sket.. alih2, pipi yg maken naek n pewut maken maju, buwahahahah! mencik ai.. btw diorg maybe nampak aku cm mkn byk but ekceli aku neh small eater.. makan sket jegh but kerap! and maybe nampak mcm kuat mkn sbb this week aku start bwk macam2 mende tuk mengunyah time pepetang. Atas meja neh skang ade mr potato, raisin bread n biskut... satu tin biskut ala2 Julies tu.. last2 aku letak kt pantry.. hehe, segan! atleast org len pn x la segan nk amek biskut tu kan nnt..

tapi since keje mmg aku mkn byk tp tataw nape payah bebenar lemak neh nk melekat, kalo melekat pn kat tempat yg x sepatot nye.. paham2 sendiri sudah! kalo kt ofis, sesampai jegh gi beli nasi lemak kt dpn DiGi neh, perghh sambal dier mmg layan.. ngn telur mata, wuhuuu.. mantab! Bole kate almost everyday mmg breakfast nasi lemak.. tp tak sehat kan?? then tghari usually mmg mkn nasik jugak.. yerla ai neh org melayu, xreti nk mkn western2 neh.. lalalala! tp bkn mkn banyak sgt pun, slalu nye nasi tak smpai separuh pinggan.. seyes! im a SMALL EATER ok, please take note! huhu..

jarang la nak nampak aku neh mkn byk, tp kalo dikelilingi oleh org yg suker mkn pastu mkn bersungguh2 lak tu.. mmg aku teruja gak kekadang, join mkn skalik! kalo kt ofis neh.. mmg org2 pompuan dlm team aku mmg suker mkn. every month, team kitorg akan handle team lunch kt memane hotel or exclusive restaurant.. paid by company. Best?? mmg best pn, makan free.. huhu! so everytime ade team lunch.. mmg aku rs aku mkn byk sbb everytime rs nk benti mkn, rs nak sambong makan balek biler tinguk org len dok bgn duduk bgn duduk gi amek makanan.. hish! memasing makan x hengat tp sume badan x membesar gak.. ape daa!

so.. MORALnye di sini, amalkan cara pemakanan yg sehat, majulah pewut tuk semua!
*gelak geguling*


U've Got Mail: PART II

weeeheee.. SPA: here i come bebeh! :x
here is the update frm 2nd email about the spa... huhu cant wait!
btw i've booked 3 sessions for myself.. i've booked for manicure, pedicure and full body massage, total for these 3 sessions is 2 hours!! it's time to pamper myself ;p

--- Email ---

It will soon be time to ease your tired muscles and stresses of work! Our D'Spa programme will commence on May 22 till June 4 and you can enjoy various luxury treatments right here in D'House.

Who is eligible?
This programme is for full time DiGi employees only.
However, we have set aside a separate package especially for our third party contracts at Contact Centre.

Do you have to pay?
D'Spa is brought to you by DiGi, so you need not pay for anything, but there are some limit to the services and goodies for each DiGizen which is stated below.

So what will happen from May 22 onwards?
Well, let me share a little bit more with you on what you can expect

D'Sanctuary @ Town Hall
Monday - Friday, 10.00am - 7.00pm

It's your space to Relax, Revitalise & Recharge
You get a choice of 3 sessions (yes, you can repeat your favourite but maximum is 3 session). You can choose from the following list of activities:
- Manicure
- Pedicure
- Threading
- Foot Reflexology
- Full Body Massage - choice of aromatherapy or shiatsu massages

For D'Sanctuary luxuries, advanced booking is required. Availability of slots are on a first-come-first-served basis.

Chilling Out

Monday to Friday, 11.00am to 5.00pm

That's not all! If you need a breather during the day, come on down to the courtyard and enjoy;
- New Zealand All Natural Ice-Cream
- Fresh Fruit Juices
- Going Nuts
- Bead Bar
- Board games such as caroms, monopoly, taboo, pictionary, etc - get a group together and enjoy yourselves!

Last but not least, we will have a series of Lunch Talks called Food for Thought, but we'll get to that later, so stay tuned for more announcements in the days to come.

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Tuesday, May 15

The Workplace: Here I Come!

yerp.. this is my workplace! smpai awal aritu.. then snap gune camera fon so shot cm blur2 sket.. yerla, fon chokia jegh.. nanti2 la angkat camera.. ai tader duet, abes duet baya hutang um.. huh! btw mebi looks like im too over xcited here bout my workplace.. yes, i am xcited! too over xcited.. bcoz this is not wht i've xpect. honestly.. this is much way better than i thought it was. I never thought i'll be here.. been given the oppurtunity working in, well.. i can say a very gud company. im saying all this craps coz im not doing so gud during my college.. no flying colours cert.. a big NO NO! Thx God.. alhamdulillah, the most thing i were worried about is not gonna to happen.. i got a job! again.. thx to God! so, what now? WAKE UP and bace buku byk2.. kalo tanak kne tendang kua.. huhu!! asek ym jegh.. damn it! -_-"


You've Got Mail

"Dear DiGizens,

How are you?
We're sure you've been working hard lately...longer hours, tight deadlines, concerns over projects, the list can go on.
We recognise your efforts and the extras that you've put in - we want to do something special for you.
So when it gets tough, the tough need to - Refresh, Revitalise and Rejuvenate!

Yes. D'House will be turned into D'Spa for a solid 2 weeks all for the sake of pampering your senses and giving back what on some days, the work takes out of you.

It starts on Tuesday, May 22 to June 5, 2007, the Town Hall in D'House will be converted to the coolest most happening Spa just for our DiGizens.

Want to know more? Read on...
At D'Spa, there will be full body massage, foot reflexology, pedicure, manicure and threading.
For the two weeks, there will also be various lunch sessions with interesting topics that from Feng Shui to Astrology, Chocolate Making to Makeovers.
Everyday there will be a surprise and something unexpected for the mind, body and spirit.

What about DiGizens in the Regions?
For DiGizens in the regions, don't fret - we've definitely got you in our sights and special treats have also been prepared for you. So keep your eyes and your ears open and visit @Work often and learn more.

We'll be sending you more information this week. Put on your spa slippers and get ready for Zen :) "

jeles x?? haha.. i've got this mail yesterday.. at first igt nk transfer trus masok archieve nye folder but then suddenly i saw the word SPA.. SPA??? bring SPA to digi??????? for 2 weeks?? and the next thing, i saw the word MAKE OVER.. wow!! HEAVEN.. am i lucky or wht? well.. i've been here in Digi for 3 months already and yeah it's true.. Digi is full of suprises :)

Wanna know wht else happen in Digi? I'll tell ya by time to time.. got so many things to share with u guys.. and btw.. DiGi: Time to change! ;p

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Monday, May 14

MASA: ada dalam tiada

banyak mende aku tak sempat nak update kt blog neh, smpai maz dok berkali2 tanye.. aku dah upload pix gals nite out last 2 months blom.. LAST 2 MONTHS? huhu.. silap perkiraan kot.. huhu! lalalala..
Perlukan update:
- gals nite out
- gath persetankan (dah basi)
- how's new life? err.. work ofcoz.. i got LIFE meh? haha
- what i've achieved so far for this year.. wht else left out frm the list
so.. update all these later k! bukan la tader mase sgt, free memanjang but hilang kata2.. buntu seh!



kenapa akal dan hati tak pernah bersatu?

diam.. dia hanya diam
dalam? tak pernah tenteram
jiwa menjerit sakit
hati menangis sayu
akal? petah sungguh mengatur kata
berulangkali menyalahkn dia..
dia termanggu sesekali..
terlayang fikiran..
tenggelam dek kata-kata akal..
seakan-akan terkoyak-koyak hati!

"bukan aku tak pernah tahu..
bukan aku tak pernah berkira-kira..
bahkan kadangkala aku jemu..
letih menitiskan tiap titisan permata..
yer, mungkin aku dungu..
dungu hingga menjadi hamba CINTA.."

-si dungu-

*created in 10 min, busan di ofis, yg penting ini BUKAN HASIL PEMUISI AGONG.. sekian!



"Seseorang yang kita miliki ternyata tak sepenuhnya milik kita..
Kita bisa memiliki tubuhnya, hatinya.. tapi tidak jalan hidupnya"

"Aku mencari tanpa tahu apa yang hilang.."

petikan dari filem CINTA PERTAMA
*luv those phrase.. mencocok ati btul!
