Thursday, June 19

Better In Time by Leona Lewis

It's been the longest winter without you
I didn't know where to turn to
See somehow I can't forget you
After all that we've been through

Going coming, thought I heard a knock
Who's there? No one, thinking that I deserve it
Now I realise that I really didn't know
You didn't notice, you mean everything
Quickly I'm learning to love again
All I know is I'm gonna be ok

Thought I couldn't live without you
It's gonna hurt when it heals too
It'll all get better in time
And even though I really love you
I'm gonna smile cause I deserve to
It'll all get better in time

How could I turn on the TV
Without something there to remind me?
Was it all that easy
To just put aside your feelings?

If I'm dreaming, don't wanna let hurt my feelings
But that's the path, I believe in
And I know that time will heal it
If you didn't notice, boy you meant everything
Quickly I'm learning to love again
All I know is I'm gonna be ok

Since there's no more you and me
It's time I let you go so I can be free
And live my life how it should be
No matter how hard it is, I'll be fine without you
Yes, I will

p/s: been bz this week, entry akan diupdate esok-esok jegh yer.. :)
HAPPY BUFDAY to cik Aqeelah Azni and cik Mazlina Mohamad *smoochies+hugs*

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Monday, June 9

Lets get Red/White @ Bora Asmara

Last night was a blast girls! It was a quite fun night, tak henti-henti aku gelak OK sampai saket-saket kepala aku neh taw ;p but really, it was totally awesome. The place itself is already a superb plus but then you girls were the one who have made it really happening. Heartiest thanks to Amal, Maz, Putu, Qiey, Nasrah, Anis, Makmuk and Ganu because finally we've made it happened.. what a great night totally! And to those who's not coming last night.. Kaj, Puc, Sabun, Ruhil, Nis, Faten and Chucky, dont worry ok.. nanti kita gather lagik skalik ramai-ramai and this time make sure that you girls reserved diri anda earlier ok and everybody must come without failed.. ;p

By the way, thank God that the suprise thingy nak celebrate bufday Qiey, Maz and Makmuk menjadik.. pheww! Tapi aku sangat disappointed ok dengan korang bertiga sebab korang sikit pun tak nanges, penat taw kami plan mende alah neh.. haha kidding ;p ! Actually tinguk muka korang yang blur-blur and in shocked tuh pun aku dah kire sangat happy, means that mmg SUPRISE!! Thanks to me, the mastermind of it and thanks to Putu as well for suggesting a great place to hangout and dine out. And thanks to the men behind the scene, Abang Miel and Nasrul as photographer yang tak bertauliah. Nampaknya anda berdua kne attend class photography, banyak tul gambar-gambar merapu and blur huhu.. but it's ok, thanks sebab tolong snap piccies kami sana sni sampaikan celah-celah daun pun snap jugak.. haha, lawak tul korang dua neh taw! Owh yeah, previously i've forgot to thank Maz and Ganu for suggested RED/WHITE theme for the night out and to Anis, RED/BLACK? LOL.. you're totally out of theme girl ;p

As usual, we're being the loudest crowd out there.. we're laughing out loud non stop. Even by the time the live band went up to our table, we're just can't stop talking, keep on snapping piccies here and there plus self photo whoring session. Seems like we're only kept our mouth shut when the guys said "ok 1 2 3.. *snap*".. aih how pathethic we were last night, weren't we, girls? Really can't help it seh, memang masing-masing tader nak control cun and sangat kecoh until one of the guy from the live band jokingly said to us.. "Ni nak dengar ke tak kami nyanyi neh? ". This is what happening everytime we all gathered tugeder geder, just imagine kalo la kita hangout reramai kat hotel.. sure kne kick out serta merta seh, gila tader protokol kita neh haha. But nevermind, you girls still awesome and I was totally having fun last night. Tak saba nak tinguk gamba-gamba dari korang sume :)

And talking about the place that we went to, the Balinese-themed restaurant - Bora Asmara is a very romantic and lovely spot to go and dine out. The restaurant itself is decorated very well and the ambience was great! The food also was beautifully presented and as for mine, Grilled Carribean Chicken was quite yummy tummy.. LOL! Suprisingly I managed to finish up my food, wow what a big eater I am now huh.. great! But unfortunately, tempat yg telah direserved untuk kami sangat tidak romantika as lampu sangat terang. Kalo duduk kat the other place, menarek sket.. aih taper next time. Nway, for those who have never heard about the place previously, maybe you should check it out someday. As for moi, I kinda loike the place.. more likely macam Bora Ombak jugak kot the environment. Plus the price also is at a quite affordable range. Here some of the piccies that I've took from other website actually as I didnt received yet any piccies from my girls.

p/s: seperti biase, more piccies will be uploaded soon.. click on the piccies to enlarge!

whether im too tall for her or she is too short for me.. haha

THE FOOD.. will be uploaded more soon

TOP HAT for RM11.90



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Thursday, June 5

School of Thoughts

For the past 2 hours, i've been spending my time google-ing for my Ralph Waldo Emerson's favourite quote.. "What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us" and I end up reading all those tons of brilliant quotations. I do love quotations and I love reading them. I used to write down all my fav quotes into this browny book, sorf of a small quote book for my own collection of inspirational and motivational quotations. But I dont do that anymore for a quite some time.. and I cant even remember where the heck the book is, shoot!

by Ralph Waldo Emerson:
"By necessity, by proclivity, and by delight, we all quote. In fact, it is as difficult to appropriate the thoughts of others as it is to invent.."

"People seem not to see that their opinion of the world is also a confession of character.."

by John Wooden:
"Be more concerned with your character than your reputation, because your character is what you really are, while your reputation is merely what others think you are.."

by Frank Outlaw:
"Watch your thoughts, they become words. Watch your words, they become actions. Watch your actions, they become habits. Watch your habits, they become character. Watch your character, it becomes your destiny.."

and last but not least, again a quote from Ralph Waldo Emerson, he quotes.. "Stay at home in your mind. Don't recite other people's opinions. I hate quotations. Tell me what you know..". LOL..

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Spreading the BREAKING NEWS

Damn.. cam harem! I've found out about the hottest news at the moment on yesterday eve via Nasrah, she buzzed me at ym and asked me to check out about the breaking news at NST online. Actually before tu lagik kitorang dah rancak berborak psal ura-ura harga minyak akan melambung naik sampai 75% dari harga asal and ada plak yang claimed that the fuel price will be increased up to 100%. Tapi aku cakap kat Nasrah and the rest, kalo nak naik pun mebi berkuatkuasa on August onwards coz the night before aku baru jegh tinguk berita which Najib sendiri made a statement that yang harga minyak hanya akan naik berkuatkuasa bermula Ogos.. kata beliyaw la. But then, sebaliknya la pulak.. ayat serupa keling sudah!! Then i started to spread the news, sending sms to friends and then trus aku update ym status aku as "Breaking news: petrol will be RM2.70 a litre at midnight tonight" and suddenly, Erik (tunang cik Azzu) buzzed aku kat ym to get the confirmation whether its true or not and unfortunately the news is true, my dear Erik. Trus Erik menyumpah-nyumpah and i wasnt suprised with that coz most of my friends reacted the same way as well. And Suessy plak sms aku just right after she received mine, she wrote at the end of the 1st msg "Lurv the gov baby!!" and the 2nd msg "Huh, done and done baby! I luv Pak Lah too". Yeah I know u are suessy, sarcastically aite? ;p

Dan disebabkan mende alah neh jugak la, traffic sesak gila babas. All petrol station were floaded with cars/busses/lorries/motocycles, even some have been closed early as they're claimed that they're already out of gas. I dont know how true it is but at my place, the police will go there just to verify whether they are really out of gas or tak. Good job sir, atleast those pentamak taleh la sesuke ati nak take advantage of this kind of situation. Siap ada road block lagi at my housing area but i wasnt so sure why. By the way, from what i've seen yesterday, massive jam was everywhere exspecially yang berdekatan dengan petrol station.. confirm jam gila babas. Thought of filling up the fuel as well but then by the time i've reached there.. just by seeing the long Q, aku tak sanggop nak continue niat "murni" aku tu. 10:30pm sudah so baek aku balek umah tdo. 1 hours later, mak pun sampai umah selepas sanggop menunggu Q yang panjangnya macam tak berkesudahan jegh aku tinguk. Taper la, kete aku pun minyak banyak lagi.. kalo dah kehabisan, pam dari kete mak jegh la, muahaha.

By the way, semalam Pak Lah ada announced that for vehicles yg 2000cc dan ke bawah akan dibayar RM625 selepas owner kpd kenderaan tersebot renew roadtax masing-masing and bayaran akan dibuat secara money order, he said this is one of the way untuk kurangkan beban rakyat. But only berkuatkuasa on July 1st, 2008 till March 2009 if im not mistaken. Go and read today newspapers for further info k guys. So kalo nak dikira-kira, aku renew roadtax nanti kira actually free jegh la coz total amount yg aku kne bayar for roadtax+insurans is around that amount jugak. Ok la tu.. daripada tader langsung kan.

Moralnya di sini, marilah kita berbasikal atau naik train saja ke ofis.. ayuh berkayuh! LOL..


Sunday, June 1

2 in 1 Gateway

I was away to Malacca for the whole weekend coz Dani, a cousin of mine kawen arineh. Actually tadik aku dah taep pepanjang dah post neh but then aku delete.. muahaha, sebab malas nak meneruskan cerita. Penat gile coz baru sampai.. sok lepas dah transfer sume piccies, baru aku continue update this entry k.. toodles ;p

at A'Famosa Resort Hotel on May 31st, 2008

(this part has been edited on June 3rd, 5:49pm)
Tentative from 31st May till 1st June 2008:


Kami started to rush masuk kete coz abah dah mula bising-bising menunggu anak-anak dara dan mak dara habes bersiap.. hehe biase la perempuan. Before start our long journey.. seperti biase, kami berhenti dlu kat 7-e beli air and makanan untuk dikunyah, by default memang macam tu punya.. LOL. And sepanjang-panjang perjalanan tu jugak la, aku turn on mobile karaoke kat fon neh and start to menyumbangkan suara.. busan la katakan, hehe. Tak lupa jugak, sesi "photo whoring" aku and Nurul.. muahaha.


Kami sampai kat umah Dani, si pengantin lelaki kat Bukit Baru, Melaka. Kebetulan, si pengantin baru nak bersiap-siap bertolak ke umah pengantin perempuan. So sampai-sampai jegh, setelah bersalam-salaman dengan sume yang ade dan bertepuk tampar seketika (biase la.. adegan ibu-ibu, aihh), dalam half an hour later kami sume pun bertolak ke umah pengantin perempuan yang aku rase agak jauh la jugak. Dari Bukit Baru ke further up lagi dari Umbai.. ade la dalam 40 min ++, aku pun not quite sure.


Sebelom tu, kami berhenti sekejap solat Zohor kat somewhere after Umbai if im not mistaken. Maaflah, this is not my territory so aku tak berapa tawu.. sedangkan area serdang pun aku kadang-kadang confuse yang mane Serdang Jaya and yang mane Sri Andalas, huhu.. pardon me! Nway back to the tentative thingy, lepas pengantin selesai solat.. suddenly aku terpakse menjadik mak andam bidang terjun sebentar, haha! Ala, takat menepek bedak and tonyoh lipstick sikit-sikit.. sesapa pun bole bwat kan? ;p Then only after that, we continued back our journey.


Agak lewat jugak la sampai kat umah pengantin perempuan, by the time we reached there.. budak-budak kompang dah tercongok menunggu si pengantin lelakinya. Plus agak kecah jugak la sebab sampai-sampai jegh time-time tu la si mak andam sebelah perempuan baru nak terhegeh-hegeh pass kan payung, kipas, keris and rantai hiasan pengantin lelaki. Kenapalah tak bagi jegh awal-awal.. isk isk, kalo lah makcik-makcik aku yg laen ade for sure dah lama kne bambu. As usual, tentatif majlis bermula dari perarakan pengantin ke medan persandingan, sesi bertepung tawar dan bergambar and seterusnya menjamu kaum keluarga sebelah si pengantin lelaki makan-makan. The funniest thing was, mase sesi bertepung tawar selalunya dimulakan oleh orang tua sama ada dari pihak mempelai lelaki or perempuan. Tapi si mak andam neh pulak yang interframe tanpa berjemput, merasmikan sesi bertepung tawar.. seb baek beliyaw berpakaian agak vogue, mak andam vogue yang berhalkum. Teringat plak ayat Min, "aku tepok halkum ko nak?".. haha. Macam-macam.. Apa-apa pun, family aku bergegas pulang dulu sebab kami still belum unpack barang-barang. Wah.. jauh jugak rupenya A'Famosa Resort Hotel dari Bukit Baru. Time tu la aku cakap kat mak, "Mak.. jauhnya kita stay! Macam ulang alik balek umah pun leh sampai neh.." *tergelak*


Around 6pm camtu kot kami sampai kat A'Famosa sebab abah mengheret secara terpaksa rela anak-anaknya ke bandar Melaka semata-mata nak beli jala ikan kat satu kedai neh. Tapi malangnya, kami stucked di tengah-tengah trafik yang sesak gila. Nasib baek Ayang, my 2nd sis dah checked in dulu sebab dia bertolak separately dengan kami. Sampai-sampai jegh, Firdaus, Faez and the kiddos sume pakat terjun pool.. alahai best jegh, nape la aku tak bawak baju spare tuk bermandi manda. Neh Mas la neh, pesan jangan bawak baju banyak-banyak, nanti beg gumok katanya.. aihh rugi! And sekali lagik, aku and Nurul still tak lupa dengan sesi "photo whoring" kami.. muahaha. Tepi pool, depan banglo, atas katil, kat hall, kat dining.. merata tempat kami berposing, camera freak we are.. terrible! Then sume orang sebok unpacked barang masing-masing and start bersiap-siap tuk ke umah Dani balek coz Pak Long (ayah Dani) bwat majlis tahlil untuk arwah Abang Dan yang meninggal dunia mid last year.


Seb baek majlis tak mula lagi.. hehe. Sampai-sampai jegh, aku and my sisters tolong siap-siapkan bunga telur untuk letakkan kat pahar. Not bad, atleast aku reti la nak ikat-ikat bunga telur neh yer.. hehe. Aku rase sepanjang aku kat Melaka neh, asek makan jegh.. huhu. Siang makan kenduri, balek resort makan KFC, gi majlis tahlil makan lagik and boleh plak pastu kitorang satu family pegi makan ikan bakar/seafood kat Umbai. Wah terlebih sudah neh.. LOL. Gila la.. mata masing-masing dah layu tak larat nak bukak lagik. Yela, pagik-pagik dah bangun bertolak gi Melaka.. ni sampai tengah malam still makan-makan kat lua, mane larat beb. Abah neh kalo bab-bab jumpa kawan memang terang mata, mentang-mentang anak kawan dia bukak kedai ikan bakar.. punya la seronok dia berborak sampai tak sedar jam dah pukul berapa, huhu.


Yer.. kami sampai resort pukul 2:30 pagik, i was damn sleepy sehh! Sampai-sampai, aku trus masuk umah.. basuh muka and zZZzz. If im not mistaken, Firdaus sempat lagik melayan cd kat hall depan. Malas aku nak join, sangat mengantok OK! Toodles to all then.. zZzzz


Sume kecoh-kecoh bersiap nak pegi breakfast. Oh aku sangat malas nak mandi.. maka dengan itu, aku pegi breakfast dengan muka tak mandi, haha! Tapi aku dah gosok gigi and cuci muka dulu ok before that.. ;p Nak pegi breakfast pun satu hal, rupenya tempat dining yang under package tuh gila babas ramai orang.. beratur dekat sejam, baru dapat amek order. Perghh.. sumpah aku tanak pegi makan situ lagik! Next please..


Balek-balek resort, sume orang start to pack things up sebab sudah mau check out. Again, kami berkonvoi sekali lagi ke umah Dani untuk majlis persandingan on side pengantin lelaki pulak.


Mostly sume sedara mara sebelah mak dah sampai. Mak Aid (nenek on my mother side) pun dah sampai. Yang sayunya, Pak Long ade bertanya kat mak.. "Dilah, mak mane?" dan lantas mak aku jawab "Abang, kan mak kat sebelah abang tu..". Urm.. actually Pak Long dah tak berapa nak ingat sangat dah, mata pun tak berapa nak jelas, sebab tu mak sendiri pun Pak Long tak berapa nak cam sedangkan sebelom tu, rancak jegh dier berborak dengan Mak Aid. Abah pun ada bagi tawu kat mak yang sebelom tu Pak Long ada bertanya kat abah kenduri siapa yang tengah langsung ni walhal tu kenduri anak bongsu dia sendiri. Kesian Pak Long, kadang-kadang dia ingat but most of the time dia dah tak berapa nak ingat certain things..


Memandangkan kami dah sampai sehari lebih awal dari sedara mara yang laen, kami pun bertolak balek ke Serdang dulu. Eventho schedule agak packed, tapi seronok la jugak coz dah lama dah tak bercuti-cuti Malaysia ngan fam. Ini pun tak cukop korum, Kakak the eldest sister and fam tak dapat join sebab hubby dia keje on Saturday. Intan plak is in Dubai at the moment, away for 3 months.. outstation but she will be back on this 19th for a short break. Abah ada cakap, next time tunggu korum sume cukop.. abah nak bawak semua bercuti kat A'Famosa lagik. Bila la tu egh? Cant wait..

p/s: maaflah cerita meleret, actually neh tuk tatapan Intan yang jauh nun.. ;p sian dia, jauh bebenor! And bout the piccies, i'll update more later on yer cik puan.. (click on the piccies to enlarge)

ni la muke tak mandi i time pegi breakfast.. LOL

Wedding Day

ececeh.. mak abah ngedet berdua.. huhu

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