Tuesday, May 27

Come to Momma!

"Hard Candy"? Whoaa.. lucah gila seh title latest album Madonna. Maaf kalo the definition of "Hard Candy" untuk album itu is actually giving a totally different meaning than what i've thought at the first place when i found out about the album title. Memang otak aku sudah tidak suci lagik harap maap, muahaha.. but then just take a look of her album cover. Beliyaw semakin bitchy di mata aku, pardon me! Nway nowdays, I've noticed that mane-mane artist perempuan (luar negara) yang bwat comeback album, most of them are tending to come out with something yang berunsurkan more bitchy, tak kira la in term of songs/style/theme or whatsoeva. I just dont understand why do they need to low down their self-value, perlu ke unsur-unsur lucah diselitkan just to grab those attention from their fans. Come on, masing-masing dah punya nama besar dalam industri muzik ni.. do they still need to do that for god sake? Bukan Madonna jegh, cuba tinguk Gwen Stefani, album single dan juga clips-clips video beliyaw. Pada aku, aku lagik prefer Gwen yang lama, the old Gwen semasa dengan No Doubt dulu. And same goes to Mariah Carey, "Touch My Body".. lets take a quick glance at the lyrics (and you might want to check out her clips as well.. pheww *kesat peluh di dahi* )
Touch my body
Let me wrap my thighs
All around your waist
Just a little taste
Touch my body
Know you love my curves
Come on and give me what I deserve
And touch my body

Come and lets flash some boobies girls! "Ala sume artist barat mostly is like that laa.. ape nak heran" and you might wanna say that too. But for me, kalo since the beginning artist tu memang macam tu, then i dont give a damn pun.. but then, mende neh terjadi kat mereka-mereka yang boleh digolongkan as DIVA, yang dah bertapak lama dan punya nama besar not only dalam industri muzik diorang sendiri, bahkan world wide. Maybe sebab diorang rase diorang semaken tua dan tak mampu nak attract peminat seperti zaman kegemilangan diorang dulu, i guess. Terbit album dan hasilkan clips-clips and lyrics yang berunsurkan kelucahan, maka dengan itu baru la album laris macam pisang goreng? Hey, says who? Celion Deon tak perlu pun itu semua and still, beliyaw masih mampu bwat a quite "boomed" comeback. No wonder beliyaw agak dipandang tinggi sebab Celion sendiri tak pernah merendah-rendahkan martabat sendiri as an artist. She have faith and believes in her talent and she uses it wisely. "Only the wise possess ideas; the greater part of mankind are possessed by them". And same goes to Natalie Imbruglia, doesnt matter even if she sounds to a bit more mainstream these days but atleast.. she doesnt sounds bitchy and pervy to me. And FYI, im not their "die hard fan" but i do adore this kind of artist for what they have been doing so far - work hard and harder to reach the top.

And oh.. yang penting, Madonna mahupun E=MC kuasa dua itu takkan paham ape kejadah aku tulis dalam entry aku neh.

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Friday, May 23

7 Reasons of Why You Would Not Want Me As Your Girlfriend:

1- I cant tolerate with "girls as bestfriends" those kind of guy sebab saya mudah kejelesan

2- I always wanting more and more and more.. im craving for attention, really cant tolerate with sort of IGNORANCE

3- Paranoiya i am.. which means, never cheated on me or else i'll become the queen of paranoiya aka PARANOID and sorry to say, mende itu akan sangat merimaskan anda!

4- In this kind of relationship, im kinda very straight forward in term of voicing out my thought on wht i feel/think/dislike/like.. and for certain guys, they'll feel a little bit uncomfortable to discuss further bout it bcoz they are too egoist to admit/express their thought/feelings seriously. But the thing is.. i will still insist to do so. Hey, supposely this "heart to heart" session should be one of the good ways to make sure things work out perfectly..

5- You wouldnt want me as your gf if you're looking for "berat mulot and pemalu" kind of girl.. I wont keep quite just to please you :)

6- Im so unromantic, non-spontaneous person.. kalo mahu pompuan yang gegedik lagik manja.. it is so not me, shuhh stay away!

7- But then, eventho saya tidak manja but i can get EMO easily.. yeah, aku tetap seorang perempuan yg punya sensitiviti yg sgt tinggi ok :)

p/s: im tagging those who are reading this entry.. poor you ;p

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Tuesday, May 20

Dear Suerie..

Beh : give urself a chance to love, be loved and be in love again, and again, and again
Beh : sorry la surie
Beh : he's not worth even a drop of ur tears
Beh : ouh surie...
Beh : who knows he might put those picture just to see ur response
Beh : and well, he got it, kan
Beh : beh
Beh : u have to be strong
Beh : kalau dier bleh sekering2 ati buat kau camni,
Beh : kau pon kene kering ati gak
Beh : leave him, betol2 leave him for good
Beh : no more sms-es, no more articles about broken-hearted or about him
Beh : no more dreams walau di dalam tidur atau jaga
Beh : beh, skarang one thing yg sgt2 clear.
Beh : u ada banyak OPTIONS
Beh : he's not worth it my dear
Beh : u're a good person, u deserves someone better
Beh : dan kalau kau trus percaya yg kau ni a good person, insyaAllah, kau akan dpt pengganti yg jauh lebih baik
Beh : aku percaye kau akan dpt yg lebih baik
Beh : kau pon mesti percaye gak
Beh : ye?

Alrite then beh, i wont write about those things anymore (try to), promise! This entry is just as a reminder for me, so that everytime i feel like wanna write about "it".. i'll think twice and will hold back. Clearly, being as stupid as I already be (blinded) is not gonna help me out dear Suerie, thanks beh for being so supportive and thanks for ur advises! *smooch*

(this part has been added on May 23rd)
Aritu aku onda fon ngan member lama aku, Dosh.. classmate mase kt matriks dlu. Mase beburak dengan dier, terpancul statement neh dari mulot aku.. "Kan besh kalo ade remote control yg bole fast forward time so that i could skip this kind of period.. *gelak*" and Dosh dengan selambe jegh jawab.. "ada.. cume tak bole nak fast forward je, just fast backward jegh.. hehe". Cehh.. tu flashback nama nye *straight face*

Lantas dier suh aku layan lagu Kesepian by Dygta.. bleghh

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..finally, my steady feet has failed me! You really got me this time..

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Friday, May 16

Multi Me

I think soon I will end up speaking in Cantonese.. haha. Since like most of my colleagues are Chinese, eventhough most of the time we're speaking in English but then sometimes during break or lunch time, they're tend to mix up the language just like the Malays always do. Dan bahasa aku pun semakin majmuk lately, aku kerap cakap KANCHONG instead of CUAK/NERVOUS, CHAM la/SEI la instead of MATI la.. wht the heck, haha!

Actually.. I dont have anything to write, pointless! So as usual, time to post out a lyrics.. *doomed*
(I found out this song from Jasmine's blog.. thx)

Dan Sebenarnya by Yuna

oh bulan, enggan melayan diriku lagi
pabila, airmata membasahi pipi
dah lagu lagu di radio
seolah olah memerli aku
pabila, kau bersama yang lain

adakah perasaan benci ini
sebenarnya cinta?
yang masih bersemadi untukmu
dan sebenarnya ku mengharapkan
disebalik senyuman mu itu
kau juga merindui aku

ku enggan, berpura pura ku bahagia
ku enggan, melihat kau bersama si dia
oh ku akui cemburu
mula menular dalam diri
pabila, kau bersama yang lain

disaat kau merenung matanya
ku rebah.. jatuh ke bumi
disaat kau benar benar mahu pergi
seperti.. ku bernafas dalam air

dan sebenarnya
aku rindu
aku tak mampu

(go to youtube for the clips)

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Thursday, May 15

No Digby

NO DIGBY yesterday!! ...as I was in Jelebu doing system support for the whole day semalam, mencik! Supposely I need to go there on Tuesday but then it has been postponed to yesterday seh.. *sigh*! Taper la, maybe kami tiada jodoh untuk bersua muka dan berlaga-laga pipi..

woh.. wht a crowd

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Tuesday, May 13

Mommies Day

HAPPY BELATED MOTHER'S DAY to all mommies out there..

Damn.. actually I wanted to wait for more piccies before posted out this entry, aihh i've been waiting for ages my dear sis.. please give me the piccies pelis? She said.. "ko update dlu blog ko, baru orang pass kan gamba-gamba tu.. ekekeke". Mesti anda menaip ayat itu di ym sambil gelak dengan keji kan, Puan Intan Suhaila Mansor? I just knew it, huh! Belated sudah tawu tak.. *muncong*

Nway, iklan budak lelaki yang bagi voucher kat mak dia during Mother's Day tu sangat la touching. How sweet.. ini namanya anak yang baik lagik taat, seperti KAMI.. haha! Taun ni KAMI hadiahkan mak handbag.. again. Taper la, biarlah mak bwat collection asalkan beliyaw bahagia dengan deretan handbag-handbag tersebot.. huhu. Mak plak siap request lagik, "Mak nak beg yang besa and lembut sikit, tanak yang keras-keras yer pastu nak kaler hitam". Mak mak.. Dan juger my personal pressie for my beloved mummy pulak adalah menjadik peneman setia mak tatkala mak menonton drama ibu-ibu tiap-tiap ari seperti Bella, Kawen Muda and etc.. muahaha, sian mak tader orang nak teman kan. Orang len sume sudah punya umah sendiri, so I sorang jegh la yer teman mak tinguk tv kan? Yes I know, im a good daughter indeed.. agagaga! And oh taun ni KAMI celebrate Mother's Day kat Hotel Singgahsana, PJ and actually handbag tu adalah perkongsian KAMI adek beradek beramai-ramai, bak kate omputeh.. SHARING is CARING, ye tak?

Balenciaga for our beloved MOM, Hajah Padilah Hj Baba

finally, i managed to get piccies of me & Mak.. after few hours updated the post as been told. I want more pelis..

the bully sister, Intan & Mak

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Japanese Crappy Tag

Sorry guys.. I've removed this post. Aku sangat rimas tinguk susunan dier yang bersepah-sepah.. sowe yer! *senyum simpol*



Monday, May 12

Eight Random Facts/habits About Yourself

The Rules :

1. Each blogger must post these rules first.
2. Each blogger starts with eight random facts/habits about themselves.
3. Bloggers that are tagged need to write on their own blog about their eight things and post these rules.
At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names.
4. Don't forget to leave them a comment telling them they've been tagged, and to read your blog.

8 random facts/habits about myself:

1- I talk alot..
..about pointless thingy most of it. The worst part is that I tend to mumble all the time and will be kept talking in a speedy mode until people will ask me back like "huh?? come again?"

2- I dont fancy seafood..
..i just dont! I dont eat crabs, i dont eat prawns, i hate KERANG.. fussy I am huh? :)

3- And I dont fancy SOYA either..
..tasteless. Saya tidak minom SOYA BEAN, saya tidak makan TAUFU FA.. tapi saya makan tempe, hehe!

4- I had a few stitches on my head when I was 5 yrs old..
..as I got bumped into the stairs, mase tengah berlari-lari anak mengelilingi umah. No wonder im a bit weng weng here and there kan?

5- Started to wear glasses when I was in standard 5..
..a Clark Kent, SUPERMAN glasses kinda type. (actually I really hate to wear it to school.. bleghh).
Klik sini for the nenek moyang story telling bout my 1st experience wearing the glasses.. sangat buduh, huhu silly me!

6- I am the middle one out of 9 siblings - the 5th I am..
Perbezaan umur yang sulung dengan aku : 10 tahun
Perbezaan umur yang bongsu dengan aku : 10 tahun

..ini namanya perancangan keluarga yang berjaya dan strategik, dont you think so? hehe..

7- Saya punya seorang adek Sindrom Down..
..named Muhammad Nur Faez and we love him very very very much! He's 17 yrs old and he's still going to school like others. Cuma dia masih tido satu bilik dengan aku dan kami akan berkaraoke sebelom kami tido. Berat beliyaw kini mencecah 72kg, iaitu sama berat dengan mak kami.. wah terlebih sudah! And guess what? I've gained 3kg seh.. sangat bangga sampai jeans pun dah taleh button kelmarin, i need a new pair :|

8- I am damn skinny..
..and everybody knows that already by now aite? :)

Saya mahu tag Maz, Nasrah, Putu, Arep, Ally, Jasmine, Ikmal, Fahmi.. ok im done!

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Friday, May 9

Hugs Kisses Kicks Asses

I'm looking at you through the glass
don't know how much time has passed
Oh God it feels like forever
but no one ever tells you that
forever feels like home.. sitting all alone inside your head..

Through Glass by Stone Sour
click here for full lyrics

Dulu aku suka sangat dengar lagu ni version accoustic, hanya gitar dan vokal.. sangat layan emo! Oh mari melalak bersamaku! By the way, I noticed that I tend to look up for the old emo lyrics from my collection and post it out in my blog everytime "IM NOT THAT WELL, EMOTIONALLY" mode turn on. Hey, it is much way better rather than tend to do anything SETUPID aite? Pheww!

Nway to Arep, entry The Age That I Wish To Go Back To aku update minggu depan egh? Aku tengah struggle menggodek piccies yg berkaitan.. :)

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Thursday, May 8


Firdaus bwat lawak bangang mase tinguk tv aritu (cite melayu yg ade subtitle in English)..

Firdaus: suri.. tinguk, org tu translate abu as abu jugak.. patotnya ash
Me: lor btul la tu.. takkan dier nak translate jadik ash plak, nama pun nak translate gak bwat pe?

*bertekak jap macam biase*

Rerupenye.. bila aku dah explain-explain sampai dah tak larat nak explain, baru la dier pasan kenapa abu ditranslate as abu and bukan as ash. Abu tu sebenarnya salah satu watak dalam cite tu and Firdaus plak tak pasan. Bengong pakcik neh, tinguk cite tapi tataw nama watak yg ade. Matik-matik dier pertikaikan nape tak tuka Abu as Ash, trus aku bantai gelak guling-guling atas sofa muahahaa! Tapi hebat jugak kan orang nama Abu ni, nama dalam BM tak berapa nak komersil tapi kalo translate bukan men lagik.. ASH! Macam Korean singer, si Rain. Actually meaning nama korean dia is hujan, so untuk tujuan komersil for international level, nama dia ditranslate into English. Maka dengan itu muncul lah... "Hi, nama saya RAIN!".

Nur Suria

Nur => Cahaya => Shine
Suria => Matahari => Sun

Maka, nama komersil saya mulai hari ini is SUNSHINE! Anda bole? *gelak keji*
Entry yang tidak bermoral sama skalik, sekian..

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Wednesday, May 7

Saya Mahu..

..and im getting fat lately for sure. Semalam nak button kain sarung baju kebaya pun dah tak sampai, padahal i just wore it last 2 weeks and it still fits me well at that time. Woah, that fast meh?? Bleghhh im getting fat indeed! *yeay* Taper, gumok itu seksi dan lemak itu perhiasan.. haha! Tapi kalo bunchet, maka itu tidak seksi dan aku sangat tidak reti nak bwat sit up. Oleh itu pewut aku akan sentiasa maju dan maju ke hadapan, "great"! And oh, I want to have my peha gebu back!

...im so dehydrated! Starting from now on, I wanna discipline myself to keep on drinking more water. My body is currently fluid-less to the max, i seldomly take plain water and plus, most of the time I only drink when i take my meal. Sometimes nak minom pun lupe, especially when I usually tend to straightly go to bed just right after dinner. Terrible I am and I know that, come and spank me.. huhu.

..the most important mission, weekly routine! I crave for pamperism pelisss *giggles*

..It is about time to reward myself but maybe bukan dalam mase terdekat ni. Nway aku tak punya fon impian or whteva. I think I'll just simply go to the mobile shop and pick one of the phones yang agak menarek di mata aku: I COME, I SEE, I PICK! Hehe.. simplicity is the best, why bother to make it so complicated? :)

The rest... aku simpan dalam hati jegh la yer for the time being, hanya misi-misi negara di atas that I need to accomplish first before I could proceed with the rest.. go go SUERIE! Chayok chayok..

p/s: One day I wanna write something about me being MINIMALIST (says Wafi). Minimaliskah aku? LOL


1 2 3 4

"Sing me something soft
sad and delicate
or loud and out of key
sing me anything
we're glad for what we've got
done with what we've lost
our whole lives laid out right in front of us.."

Existentialism On Prom Night by Straylight Run

"You're not what I was after
but I'm happy with what I found
to dream of new beginnings
when the end is all around.."

Song For The Leftover by A Camp

1 2 3 4... count with me and count me in!
Next entry will be updated soon.. i guess

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Monday, May 5


Start-start enjin kete jegh this morning, ade plak lagu Im Yours by Jason Mraz @ Flyfm.. pepagik lagi dah mencocok ati! *straight face*

kangen bangat..

p/s: maken kerap plak lagu ni kua kt FLYfm lately.. suddenly femes lik meh? aku sudah mendengarnya since 2006 lg, click sini

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