(picture was taken on May 23rd, 2009)Joseph Conrad once wrote:
Who knows what true HAPPINESS is?
Not the conventional word, but the naked terror.
To the lonely themselves, it wears a mask.
The most miserable outcast
hugs some memory.. or some illusion.
Everybody was off to Johor for my cousin's wedding, Boboy (reception on his wife side). I was being left behind, spending the whole weekend all alone - by choice, as I need to attend Lona's wedding (my besty) on Saturday somewhere in Linggi, Negeri Sembilan. Went there with Maz, and pheww - it took us almost 3 hours drive to reach there. We were stucked in a very MASSIVE traffic jam at KL-Seremban highway, from Serdang all the way until the Port Dickson exit.. urgh! School holiday means be prepared for the traffic jam ALL THE FREAKING TIME!! Biasa la Malaysian ni, bila cuti sekolah jegh, semua nak ambush keluar umah serentak. Macam tader timing lain nak keluar, haih! -_-" Nasib baik aku Hawaiian, LOL! Pape pun, there you go my Saturday - half of my day being wasted just like that. Dang!
So this weekend was kind of my so-called solitary moment.. only me and I, no one else. Oh heaven (tettt!). Although I was alone BUT at least for me, being alone was good for one thing. I’m always more motivated and energetic when nobody's around, I mean when it comes to 'cleaning' ofcourse, do the house chores. So I managed to get my laundry done, ding ding! Then I drove myself to Shah Alam - need to buy myself a new pair of kurung for Boboy's wedding this Sunday. Well, memang tahniah la because it only took me less than 1 hour to find one, after that I straightly went back home. Gila seh, semata.. Serdang <-> Shah Alam -_-"
The most crazy part of the weekend was *drums rolling* - pampering myself with FOOD.. muahahaha! *evil laugh* Twit-the-devil, good girl went "bad" yesterday and ended up eating all these for dinner, one after another:
- a medium set of Double Cheese Burger with Milo in addition(I always request to replace the soft drink with Milo, note that ;p)- went to secret recipe and tapau a slice of blueberry cheese cake(not that I'm craving for it, just felt like eating.. that's all)
- since I still got room in my stomach for more, I had a few packs of Cadburry all by myself >:)
(hantu Cadburry I am, suka Berryls tiramisu jugak!)
So this pretty much explains everything, Ikmal and some friends told me on the other day during Tiga Venus, "Sue, kau dah berisi la sekarang. Maintain camni ok dah, jangan ar kurus sangat macam dulu". Pastu Min (or Wani kot, can't really recall) menyampuk, "Ha'ah, berisi dah sekarang. I mean berisi in a good way la. Good!". And then when I told Chuck about what I had for dinner last night, she was like - "OMG! You chuck yourself with carbs and sugar?? Envy!!". Muahahaha! But NO, FYI I did not get high or anything because of the sugar intake. Don't worry, I'm still standing and totally SOBER, guys.. LOL! Yeah yeah, I know.. what a very unproductive weekend I had, aite? Lalalala, Boo-yah ;p
Bila rasa gembira, tepuk tangan.. clap clap!
Bila rasa bosan tahan gaban, kita MAKAN.. ngap ngap! LOL
Oh ya, jeans saya yang bersize 24 itu sudah tidak muat. Bak kata Abah, dah macam seluar cerut.. haha! Oh ya (sekali lagi), I'm writing a completely worthless blog entry. Perhaps I'm still in a sugar-high state I guess *giggles*
Labels: Bubbles In The Air, Chill Out, Giggly Me, Word Puzzles